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I seem to be getting a problem when I go to upload an image:

"File path is not writeable. The script does not have access to write files to the correct directory. Please report this error to your site administrator"

Does anyone know why this may be happening...Ive checked my settings and cant seem to see anything that may be causing it. Im assuming its something to do with folder permissions, yet the default folder (dbtech/gallery/images/upload) is set to 777.
What about the permissions on the child folders?
So if it's a user with a userid of 1021, is the folder dbtech/gallery/images/upload/1/0/2/1 also 777?
If that's ok then check the owner:group of the folder versus the account php runs under.
Im pretty sure ALL subsequent child folders will be 777 but I will check that again just in case. As for "check the owner:group of the folder versus the account php runs under" im not sure what ya mean here.
Im pretty sure ALL subsequent child folders will be 777 but I will check that again just in case. As for "check the owner:group of the folder versus the account php runs under" im not sure what ya mean here.

Lets say when you ftp it uploads the files as the user:group ftp:ftp, but when php runs it runs as your account lee:users or something like that. Depending on the server security, user account lee might not have access to create a subfolder in a folder owned by ftp:ftp.
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Legacy DragonByte Gallery

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