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Wasn't sure where to put this question as not a bug.

Is it possible to change the drop down thanks/thanked list in the postbit(members info etc) to closed as default?
Ours seems to be open by default
style="display:none;" should be present in the dbtech_thanks_postbit template around the bit that shows the stats.
Tried to add it but didn't seem to work, could you show me where to add it?

		<a style="float:$stylevar[right]" href="#top" onclick="return toggle_collapse('$post[thankspostid]')"><img id="$post[thankspostimgid]" src="$stylevar[imgdir_button]/collapse_alt$post[thankscollapseimg].gif" alt="" border="0" /></a>
		<span style="float:center">$vbphrase[dbtech_thanks_stats]</span>
<div id="collapseobj_$post[thankspostid]" style="$post[thankscollapseobj]">
	<if condition="$vboptions['dbtech_thanks_postbit'] & 1 AND !($bbuserinfo['dbtech_thanks_settings'] & 1)">
		<div>{$vbphrase[dbtech_thanks_thanks]}: <phrase 1="$post[dbtech_thanks_thanks]">{$vbphrase[dbtech_thanks_x_times]}</phrase></div>
	<if condition="$vboptions['dbtech_thanks_postbit'] & 2 AND !($bbuserinfo['dbtech_thanks_settings'] & 2)">
		<div>{$vbphrase[dbtech_thanks_thanked]}: <phrase 1="$post[dbtech_thanks_thanked]">{$vbphrase[dbtech_thanks_x_times]}</phrase></div>
	<if condition="$vboptions['dbtech_thanks_postbit'] & 4 AND !($bbuserinfo['dbtech_thanks_settings'] & 4)">
		<div>{$vbphrase[dbtech_thanks_likes]}: <phrase 1="$post[dbtech_thanks_likes]">{$vbphrase[dbtech_thanks_x_times]}</phrase></div>

If i upload everything to fix the statistics bug, will this not overwrite everything ive been doing the last two nights?
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<div id="collapseobj_$post[thankspostid]" style="display:none;">

I'm not sure what you mean by that question, but uploading files won't cause this to be overwritten.
All good, thanks. We have it up and running on forum now:D

Do have two more questions though.

Is it possible to remove the like/dislike statistics lists from the stats page?
Also is it possible to remove the ability to hide thanks etc in the users cp?
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