Bug Auction Reserve PM

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Just received a PM notifying my auction has not received any offers that met the reserve.
reserve pm.png

How often is this set to PM sellers?

The PM body seems a little off to me. I think it is the number. I know the title states the actual listing title but the body with just a number seems confusing.
I thought I'd got this sorted... :D

I'll take another look. Can you copy and paste the URL it's using... the number is the ID of the listing... when it should be the title... which probably means the title is where the ID should be in the URL... :D
Can you try reimporting the XML for this? I've checked the phrases and they are supposed to be getting the correct ID and title for the listings... I almost wonder if the XML hasn't over written your phrases... :?
Sorry Mokonzi I have just been swamped here with my real job and have not had a chance to upload the update yet. Will try and get at it tomorrow.
My apologies.
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