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I just added a few bbcodes functions to the ckeditor in 4.1.4 and they did not show up in the vBMail editor and it would be great if they would go there in the future. ;)

Until then how can I get them there?
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That's not something I'm able to control, sorry. I don't do any of the editor loading / pre-processing, it's all vBulletin internal :(
It won't have Mentions specifically, because that's a special BBCode that relies upon New Post / New Thread code to execute, which won't in vBMail.

It will, however, have any BBCode you manually create in the BBCode Manager that does not rely on PHP code to process :)
It won't have Mentions specifically, because that's a special BBCode that relies upon New Post / New Thread code to execute, which won't in vBMail.

It will, however, have any BBCode you manually create in the BBCode Manager that does not rely on PHP code to process :)

Okay so I have added 7 bbCode which appear in the Quick Reply and Go Advanced Reply and they did not go to vBMail editor. I guess I need to determine if they use PHP code to process and I do not know how...:o
This is what I found out php or template conditionals are not used in BB Codes. They are only for HTML code.

Therefore does not rely on PHP code to process
So the bbcode did not carry over to vBMail ? which is using the editor.
If you've used some custom means of adding a BBCode button to the editor, that would be PHP / HTML code.

BBCode that's simply added to the BBCode manager would work in the same manner as built-in BBCode.
The BBCode button added to the editor will not work in vBMail is this correct?
Thanks Fillip H. for taking the time to respond as this is marked Rejected.
Instead of a feature request maybe this would have been better as How do I ? :)
If we can figure this out it would be awesome !
It's only marked Rejected because it's not a feature we're able to implement.

Sadly there's nothing more I'm able to do though, like I said the editor code used is the exact same as vB uses in the aforementioned locations.
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