5.2.1 Ignore Feature not working!

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Diana Notacat

I'm putting people on ignore, and then their posts (or just that one single post in some cases) will disappear, but when the shoutbox refreshes, they are no longer on ignore! It also seems to duplicate all the latest posts in the shoutbox for a few seconds until the refresh. Like it's ignoring and then showing the 20 newest messages without that person, and then below it showing them with them there. Then on refresh it goes back to normal without the ignore on.

I'm unable to confirm this. Do you have AOP enabled? What method did you use to ignore people; the /ignore or the context menu?
I'm having a dumb moment and have no idea what AOP stands for. XD

Context Menu! Typing in the /ignore command itself seems to be working fine!
Advanced Optimisation Protocol, it's a vBShout setting.
I'll check out the context menu ignoring :)
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