We had a little discussion about this in the XenForo thread (Expand your business i think it was called)

Personally i'm not too happy with it. I think IB should be concentrating on fixing vB4 and then adding functionality to it.

At the moment it seems their aim is to fix it then make a NEW version instead of adding features. Thats not a good way to treat your customers in my opinion.

Still, with XenForo on the horizon I think IB might pay for this sort of stuff with a substantially decreased market share.
As I said in the vBulletin.com site, I'm seriously looking at leaving because I am not happy with the way I've been treated.

On August 20, 2009 I made the switch to vBulletin 3.x. I'd heard a lot of good things so I took the leap. A few days later - September 4, 2009 - I paid for the blogs. That's when things started going downhill for me.

Soon after that, we get the announcement that they were releasing v4. Even though I'd just purchased the full package, I got no breaks at all and was basically told to pay now or when it comes out they would bend me over even farther. Oh, and that v3.x you just bought? It'll be supported for a while but then you'll be cut loose. Cursing and muttering under my breath I shelled out even more money for v4 on October 14, 2009.

Now - less than a year later - I'm hearing the same old crap I did before. New version, more money, same promised stability.

I realize that I've only been here a year and that it may or may not invalidate my complaints in some of your eyes, but it just seems like we're being played for fools and skipping merrily down the path behind them. I haven't jumped off the boat yet, but I have many other brochures (XenForo, etc.) that are looking pretty attractive right now.

So what good is buying a lifetime license if they are going to pull this crap?
According to IB any major new version will need to be paid for (e.g anything affecting the first number. So 4.0 - 4.1 is free, but 4.0 to 5.0 you need to pay for)
I expect a HUGE discount if vBulletin releases a fifth version, especially THIS early...

I've checked out XenForo and I don't see anything worthwhile in their forums. They are still in early development but all I really see cool about their forums is the design. The drop down menus, the cool animation for the thread numbers, the board description popping up when you do a mouseover, etc.
Vbulletin is their brand name so stick with the bulletin board side of it. The CMS is pretty good but its a web site side if you ask me.

They need to be looking at the top mods that everyone is installing on their boards and add these to the new package not as an extra

Better graphics, dropdowns, menus, easier to code, less query's to the database and lets not forget the security flaw on the FAQ ..

If Vb5 is worth paying for then make sure its shows that on front end / backend / user satisfaction and on and on and on..
I'm in a position now where I don't feel I HAVE to upgrade/change to anything else. With vB4 everyone was wanting it, because we all thought it was something, it was not. Now that we know better, have fixed our forums (those that have gone to vB4 anyway) and new mods are out, etc... I can't see myself paying for vB5 anytime soon.

By the time I decide to switch to vB5, Xenforo or something else... I would assume vB5 will be out, I'll be able to see it, get other admin's opinions of it, etc. The same goes for Xenforo. Bottom line is, neither are getting any money from me anytime soon as I'm finally getting things where I want them.

vB... they've already stolen enough money from me, The only way I'd pay for vB5 is if it's no more than 50 bucks to upgrade it and it's WORTH it.

Xenforo is probably the frontrunner at the moment, but more than likely it'll take a year for it to mature.
isn't Xenoforo made by some of the old vBuleetin staff? like is it Kier and some other person? if so my money would go with them making Xenoforo everything vBulletin 4 should of been before jelsoft decided to merge with IB or whatever happened, personally i'd go with whichever offered what i wanted for the price i was willing to pay.