
I don´t speak English very well, but I wanted to ask something about add-ons before buying.

What is the difference between vBActivity and vbcredits add-ons?

I will now explain what I want:

When a new members writes new posts, he/she gets points, etc. With these points they can have new gifts or give gifts to other members.

I also use vBQUIZ product. I want integration with this product aswell. If they (the members) solve new quiz then they can have points. I also use Answer product (Link : ). In this "Answer product" there is an additional option. It´s written:

"Integrate VbCredits

If you have vbcredits installed and would like to reward users for answers made, feel free to enable this option."

Is this product vbcredits deluxe? If I use these vbcredits then the members do get points?

Perhaps my question was stupid. I hope I've asked well.

Many thanks!
vBActivity is just that, being active on the forums gives "points" for being active. There are many things it looks at and tracks, but it's not a "shop" where you spend these points, think of it as purely statistical data only.

vBCredits will do what you want as far as assigning points (Credits or whatever you want to call it) for various actions on the forum. You can set up criteria for how many points you want to give for whatever action (or take them away) and such.

vBShop is what you would use (potentially, depending on what you want people to do, but giving gifts is one of the things it does) so that your members actually have "items" to purchase.

So I think you really need vBCredits and vBShop (well, vBActivity is really cool, but I don't think it's what you're looking for in this case).

I'm sure one of the actual DBT folks can answer better than I, but figured I'd throw my 2 cents out there. =)
Sounds like vBCredits II Deluxe is what you want, because it will reward points for posts, integrates with vBQuiz, and apparently integrates with that Answer product.

However, it does not have gifts for purchase, but vBShop here at dbtech can do that and integrates with vBCredits.