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1. When I take a quiz, it only shows me what I scored. It doesn't show me which questions I got right or wrong.

2. In the future, if you integrate showing the correct/incorrect answers to the questions, if the user selects the correct answer, offer and optional explanation field to the correct answer.


Question: Do fish live in water or on land?

Answer: Water

Explanation: Fish extract oxygen to breathe from water instead of air.
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Yes, those are already on the list for next version :)
Awesome. The quizzes I have on my site are educational, so I want my members to see what questions they got right/wrong, and see additional explanations for the right answers that they chose. Once these features are integrated, I can switch the quiz system on. :)
both feature you requested are must have for me too.
I'm also using it for education purpose for Medical Entrance practice tests.
I hope we'll be getting these features soon.
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