
Does anyone know which stylevar is used to control the text color when typing a PM or replying?

For the life of me I can not find it. . grrrrr

Which version of vb4? I think the new ckeditor would be different from the older versions.
Version is before new CKeditor but this shouldnt change. 4.1.8 beta stylevar editor stylevars have changed/deleted/added but none use the 'input text' which i'm looking for.

It is also the same stylevar as QR etc

Thanks Ozzy :)
I have not tracked it down yet, I can change the color in firebug but I ca not find it in stylevars. :confused:
Hey Ozzy47;

I found a snippet of code and added this to my additional.css

.formcontrols .blockrow input.textbox:focus,
.formcontrols .blockrow textarea:focus {
background: [URL=]#303030[/URL]
color: [URL=]#000000[/URL]
/* color of text boxes and textareas for editors */
body.wysiwyg {color: [URL=]#7b7b7b[/URL]}
.editor_textbox textarea, .editor_textbox iframe {color: [URL=]#7b7b7b[/URL]}
body.wysiwyg {background: [URL=]#303030[/URL]}
.editor_textbox textarea, .editor_textbox iframe {background: [URL=]#303030[/URL]}

Sorry I should have mentioned it was for a dark theme Ive been trying to debug, also noticed that 'Recipients' in PM uses a imodhighlight behaviour once clicked, I couldnt track that blighter down, anyway it's a fix!

Thanks for looking though.
Yeah I found that on too, but i was looking for the right way to change it, but alas it must be hard coded somehow.

Glad ya got it though.
trouble is its probably a common stylevar that is set as transparent and utilizes another content colour, they really should have single stylevars (grouped and titled together) to perform each function separately rather than sharing!
Amen to that, I really like the stylevar system, but yeah it should be a little bit more separated.