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Does Save Outfit work? I can't seem to get it to work. Also, I have a bug where if you equip different bodies multiple times, they stack in the unordered list and are unable to be removed.


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Yeah, the Save Outfit works :) If you require assistance, please be more specific than "it doesn't work" - I can't help you without a detailed description of what you're doing and what gives you the impression it doesn't work.
I attached a thumbnail. Once a user triggers this bug, he/she is unable to change his body again.
Fillip H. i'm having similar problems with the outfit thing, what mine does is i equiped the "test" outfit Fillip H. set up when he fixed something last time and all it is, is a different skintone body, now since i equip this my preview avatar on the left keeps showing the last set-up i had before changing to the new one everytime i click on the vBavatars link, it also shows the "Test" outfit even though i've saved and loaded a new outfit called "Chef" the chef outfit appears in the preview box and i hit "Save avatar" and all appears well but going back to my forum home or a post to see the new set it still shows the colored body i had for "Test" what i did was repair vBavatars cache and vBulletins cache and went to clean my internet cache too as well as perform an IP DNS flush just to make sure there were no bugs in the cache anywhere but alas the body template is still there, so i re-downloaded and uploaded the files from here and now i can no longer seem to equip any items as the buttons no longer do anything even though they are still clickable. Any idea's whats happened?

EDIT: After re-installing a second time it seems to have fixed the issue of not being able to equip items but not the rest of the problems.
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Could you please summarise the issues that are present? I'm having problems seeing what's still an issue in your post, sorry :(
Ok well, the first issue has fixed itself (as in not being able to equip items), the issue i'm having now is that when i go to the avatars area the avatar i used to have shows up first then a few seconds later it dissappears and the correct avatar is displayed.

The second issue is that when i chose the "test" outfit you created (which is just a base) everytime i saved my avatar or did something the avatar wouldn't save and that base would appear in my posts and welcome panel.

What i've done is delete ALL of my outfits and it seems to only do it once in a while (i've tested different selections of items and saved them and went to see if they applied on the posts and 7/10 times they worked but sometimes showed that base only outfit i deleted) however the problem with saving avatars has seems to fixed itself so i no longer have that problem.
Can any of those issues be replicated 100% of the time?

If so, could you please post step-by-step instructions to replicate them so I can test it out on my test boards?
At first they could but i cannot seem to replicate it again myself, i've tested this for the past 15minuites and not once has it caused those problems again, i've not touched any settings other than clicking equip and other save but it seems to be working fine, maybe i did something while i was messing around with it earlier or you've made a mod that fixes itself :D. i'll keep testing and see if i can get it to produce those results again, they way i did it before was literally you click the forum banner, then you click on the drop down for community, then vBavatars and it would load and show my items i'd selected the prior to the new set i'd just saved then say 3 seconds later it would appear correct with all the items i'd selected before leaving that page. hopefully that might help with the other guys problem.

EDIT: I think i know what may have caused my problem, i have a thing called Cloudflare installed on my site which Caches things so you can use the site offline and stuff, i reckon my problem might have been due to the servers being cached and not updated when i edited my avatar as i've managed to replicate the bug again when i got a "this website is currently offline" from Cloudflare. so i can safely say that this problem is down to that. This might also be the case for the other guy if he has something similar installed as i had problems saving etc as i mentioned. just a heads up if it helps solve the other guys problem.
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Legacy vBAvatars

vBulletin 4.x.x
DragonByte Technologies
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