
When I come to the main forum page using google chrome the right hand side scroll bar is there, but then the sound bar or what ever its called for the shout box displays then the scroll bar disappears. Its okay anywhere else on the site, just disappears on the forum page. Using google chrome 12.0.742.60 beta-m right now which could be the problem but this is the only site I have had it happen on.
I assume you see something like this:

This is a bug in Chrome's implementation of the <embed> tag.

Problem is Chrome assumes the entire internet is using a HTML5 capable browser.

Try using FireFox4 or IE9 those seem the best for displaying.

You could also try to turn off the Shout, PM and Invite sounds in your usercp and see if that helps.
Thanks Ozzy47,

Forgot about the settings for the sound and once turned off the scroll bar comes back.
Not a problem, glad it's sorted!

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