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Our server runs PHP version 5.1.6 and upgrading to 5.2.X is causing us problems. Is that the only way we can use this product?
It's not been tested in any other environment than 5.2 and considering 5.2 is the minimum requirement for vB4, we chose to play it safe.

Are the problems with scripts or something else? If it's something else, you might want to work with your host in order to be able to upgrade.
It's not a typical host with a cpanel, we have a dedicated server running CentOS, which don't tend to update to the latest version. We tried one way and got a memcache error from vbulletin, but we're going to try another way later on hopefully have more luck.

It makes sense if we can do it, but if we can't I guess we're a bit stuck :(
Cent OS

Your priority should be to get rid of this old system.

Try ubuntu instead, Documentation and help is outstanding ... That's the way to go
Ok, got PHP sorted, went to add the product and it crashed the server haha! Not our luck today. What is it adding to the database? Ours is pretty big you see.
You can look at the files in /upload/DBTech/vbshout/install for all the commands it runs :)

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