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it would be nice if we can post videos and images at the stream.
I asked this question at and Fillip answer this: Forum - View Single Post - [DBTech] Forum Live Feed & User Wall [AJAX] (vB4)
There's currently no content type for Album Pictures.

It does show BBCode, all the BBCode that are allowed in "Non-Forum Areas" as per the BBCode settings.

Smilies are also supported :)

That being said, due to the fact that each content type comes with a "Preview Cut-off" setting, some BBCode may become invalidated and not parse correctly.

Example: Let's say you have a quote tag that contains more than 300 characters. When it cuts off the message, the closing
will get removed and the start tag will be left in place.

Hopefully that makes sense :)


So i try to post a video and a image but it doesn't show. I check every settings and allow to usw the video bbcode on other sides aso.


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That is down to vBulletin's BBCode parsing, it uses the "Non-Forum Areas" settings - if that doesn't allow that BBCode (I don't know if this can be configured) then it won't be possible to add unfortunately :(
I have only a german version and i don't know how the correct translation is.
You can change this setting in the section: vB-Settings -> path to admincp -> /options.php?do=options&dogroup=bbcode


The BBCode works fine now. I increased the setting "maximum characters" to see if the video code works fine too, but i see only the url to the video.

At this page there are a good example to see want i want :D
[url=]4WheelFreestyle :: Freestyle-Slalom :: Freestyle Skating[/url] (right side)
i try some different codes to post a video at the status.

This code is ok: [video=youtube_share;CB2ah2Cgv8E][/video]
but this code didn't work: [video][/video]

So vB parse the code and change it.
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