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installed vbmail 1.1 beta this morning and got now the following database error by email (it wasn't an action by myself):

Invalid SQL:

SELECT user.userid, user.username
FROM `vb_dbtech_vbmail_message` AS dbtech_vbmail_message
INNER JOIN vb_dbtech_vbmail_user AS user ON( = dbtech_vbmail_message.fromaddress)
WHERE dbtech_vbmail_message.fromaddress != ''
AND dbtech_vbmail_message.bounce = '1'
AND user.dbtech_vbmail_bounceflag = '0'
GROUP BY dbtech_vbmail_message.fromaddress

MySQL-Fehler : Table 'orca_vbcms.vb_dbtech_vbmail_user' doesn't exist
Fehler-Nr. : 1146
Fehler-Zeit : Sunday, 17.07.2011 @ 12:46:28
Datum : Sunday, 17.07.2011 @ 12:46:29
Skript :
Referrer :
IP-Adresse : *.*.*.*
Benutzername : Unregistriert
Klassenname : vB_Database
MySQL-Version :

It seems that it creates the error with the cron-job. The username (Benutzername) is "unregistered (Unregistriert)".

Have you downloaded the latest version and installed it?

If so is this the first time you have seen that error?

I see you got the product on July 14th, is this the first time you installed the product?

Fillip H. will be able to shed more light on this as soon as he has a free moment.
It's the second time I installed it (well, upgraded). The error appeared this morning the first time, after installation. I was actually writing sth in the blog when receiving the email. I only have one mailing list yet with no members. The files and xml are from the download this morning.
Ok thanks for the additional input, Fillip H. should be able to figure it out for you.
I see the problem, could you please do the following:

1) In your Product Manager, edit the vBMail product and set the Version Number to 1.0.4 manually.
2) Re-download the product
3) Re-import the new product XML file

It should then correctly run the installer code for v1.1.0.

This is a vB4-only issue, and the Lite zip is being updated now :)
Next error:

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '}' in /*****/dbtech/vbmail/actions/mailinglists.php on line 173

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