Question import issues - large forum

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I got a fairly sizeable forum and importing now is giving me issus. Each upgrade is altering the user table and causing timeouts. I've altered phps timeout length and still having issues. Do you happen to have a big board friendly command line based installer?
There is no command line installer at this time, though you can find the queries by going through the install files. If there's a specific bit you are having problems with, and you can't readily find it in the installer files, let me know and I can transcribe it for you.

The installer files are located in /dbtech/vbactivity/install
These are all the alters from the user table that can possibly be skipped once they have been ran. Approx. 5 such queries remain.

alter table user add dbtech_vbactivity_achievementcount int(10) unsigned not null default '0';
alter table user add dbtech_vbactivity_points double not null default '0';
alter table user add dbtech_vbactivity_pointscache double not null default '0';
alter table user add dbtech_vbactivity_pointscache_day double not null default '0';
alter table user add dbtech_vbactivity_pointscache_week double not null default '0';
alter table user add dbtech_vbactivity_pointscache_month double not null default '0';
alter table user add dbtech_vbactivity_rewardscache mediumtext null;
alter table user add dbtech_vbactivity_settings int(10) unsigned not null default '0';
alter table user add dbtech_vbactivity_trophycount int(10) unsigned not null default '0';
alter table user add dbtech_vbactivity_medalcount int(10) unsigned not null default '0';
alter table user add dbtech_vbactivity_medalmoderatecount int(10) unsigned not null default '0';
alter table user add dbtech_vbactivity_promotioncount int(10) unsigned not null default '0';
Remember to add your table prefix.

Make sure your database does not contain any tables that begin with "dbtech_vbactivity_" when you try the import again.
Stuck on this query, installer refuses to go past it!

ALTER TABLE `user` ADD INDEX ( `dbtech_vbactivity_excluded_tmp` )
Had to edit the product xml and remove this line

DBTech_Install::install(217, $code['version']);]]></installcode>
			<uninstallcode />
		<code version="3.0.0">
			<installcode><![CDATA[// Install this version
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