Legacy Pinterest Button Question and a big THANK YOU!

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First of all, I wanted to give you all a great big thank you for this mod. I once had another SEO modification installed, and while it was incredible with SEO it made my forum slow and was so complicated to do upgrades. Change this, edit that, blah blah, I finally got fed up with white pages and having to edit too much stuff each time I wanted to upgrade the forum, that I uninstalled it!

Not only do we get to do a trial run before purchasing the Pro version, this was so easy to set up, thank you!

My question is regarding the Pinterest button. On Firefox & Chrome all pin buttons (even on your site) say +23K, and if you try to pin you only get the "Pinterest" logo. It would be so cool if we could pin a photo from an actual post, or select from photos within the thread?

I also tried it on IE and nothing would happen at all.
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I think that's the default display if you're not logged in to Pinterest.

In either case, we use AddThis as our provider, so we have no actual control over the code that's being ran that determines what can be pinned or shared :(
FYI for others who may be asking the same question about this as me.

I found that if you use the larger buttons rather than the small buttons with count, the pinterest button shares and gives the option to share every photo on the page. Although this also includes avatars, it actually works!

It also gives the page less 'bounce' for tablet users if you place them above the showthread, and it is in my opinion a much cleaner look.
Thank you for posting your findings, it'll be quite helpful to anyone else looking for the same thing :)
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