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First of all my apologies if the question is tedious but my vBulletin background is quite limited and so are my computer skills.

Having said that my questions are as follows:
  1. What needs to be done so that visitors/non-members are not able to see the chat room?
  2. What needs to be done so that a post limit (100posts) is reached before members can see and access the chatbox?

Lastly, as I mentioned my programing/computer skills are very limited so if it's not to much to ask in the response I receive can it be as simple as possible.
1. In the AdminCP, go to Instance Management, click Edit next to the instance you want to edit, then scroll down to Instance Permissions and untick Can View Shoutbox for your guest usergroup.

2. Same Instance Management edit screen, edit the "(Pro) Minimum Posts" setting :)
Thank you for the quick response however, I either need glasses but for the life of me I can't find the Instance Management section you speak of. I'm in my AdminCP, just to make sure this AdminCP means the Admin section of vBulletin correct? Where you have all the options on the left hand side correct? Again, my apologies, very vBulletin illiterate.

Well I'm looking on the left hand side and I don't see Instance Management. Could you please let me know where exactly it is.

Thank you.
It's under the DBTech - vBShout menu group, which is probably collapsed by default.
Do you mean under AdminCP > Settings > DragonByte Tech: vBshout - General Options?

I'm there but I can't see anything that says Instance Management.
Here's a quick screenshot:
Thank you for that screen shot but I dont' have that option on my Admin Control Panel.

This is what I see l2dadmincp.JPG
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