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Hello superior support team!

I have a large board and would like to purchase vbmail pro (with branding free addon) to interact with my members.

My concern is if vbmail would be functional:

This post posed the issue of a 500 email/hour limit and this was your response.

I have a dedicated server for my community - am I still under this limitation?

Also, with my large member count - I will have a lot of bounce mails that will eventually black list my server (my emails will be delivered into junk mail) - I would like to do bounce testing using another server connection (Something like a cheap hostgator acct) before I switch to my main server to avoid black listing: will I be able to do that with vbmail?

I appreciate your support - db-tech is the best mod team due to quality products and superior support!
I have a dedicated server for my community - am I still under this limitation?
I have no way of knowing, sorry.

However, you should have access to WHM or similar interfaces that lets you configure this setting, so if by default you are, then you can fix it yourself :)

Also, with my large member count - I will have a lot of bounce mails that will eventually black list my server (my emails will be delivered into junk mail) - I would like to do bounce testing using another server connection (Something like a cheap hostgator acct) before I switch to my main server to avoid black listing: will I be able to do that with vbmail?
No, you'd need to use SMTP in vBulletin and then switch the SMTP server over to your cheap hostgator acc, send your bounce test mail, wait for ~1 hour for the mailqueue to clear and the bounces to come back, handle the bounces via the Bounce Manager (even with automated bounce handling, some mailservers do not return a proper header so vBMail cannot work) and THEN switch your forum to your real SMTP.

However, I don't know if other hosting accs allow this. You may need to use Google's SMTP servers or somesuch.
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