Legacy Credits to Play

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I just figured this was going to be an automatic feature (considering that Darkwaltz is on this), but since I cannot locate it (I apologize if I'm blind), but can we please add a feature where we can charge a certain amount of credits to play a game. I'd like to do that per usergroup basis so certain usergroups can pay less to play a game.

Also, a jackpot. Each time a player plays a game, they pay credits which go into a jackpot. If someone gets first place, they win all those credits. 2nd place can win a percentage, 3rd place scores can win a percentage, and so on down to 10th place. Round up/down? Probably down to be safe. Minimum? Probably minimum of 1 credit for anyone that places in the top 10.
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I am sure Dw will look into it, I know he wants to get the core of the mod done first, thehe will prob look into integrating it with other DBT products.
As it is unrelated to the arcade (its handled by points addons), itll be implemented shortly after the gold version.
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