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Not sure if it is a bug or just something to do with the times each round was completed previously..

First round game time remaining.

group tourney3.jpg

Second round game time remaining.

group tourney4.jpg

Third round game time remaining.

group tourney5.jpg

The countdown time is increasing..Also I noticed it's costing vbcredits to play a tourney game.The jackpot is increasing..
The countdown timer starts when a match is paired together - only one set of group matches is started initially, and then more are generated as people complete their matches against each other, and the timers start at different times. It looks working as designed to me. Its missing the current-match highlighting which helps illustrate the match you are actually participating in :p so perhaps when i fix that it will make more sense.

As for jackpot - do you have Record Tournament Matches turned on?
I think I can see the problem.Because I'm using test users ie: myself..As soon as I created a tourney with an actual member jackpot was fine (never changed) although Record Tournament Matches are still disabled..Bunni as you see from the images below still posted as champion with the highscore although the tourney isn't finished dingo at present carries the highscore yet that never posted.The last round seems to be posting a highscore to the portal regardless of what stage the tourney is at..

portal 1.jpg

tourney results.jpg
Edit arcade.php...

find and remove:
if ($score['matchid']) vbarcade_match_end($score['matchid'], $score['score']);

then find

if ((!$score['matchid'] OR $vbulletin->options['dbtech_vbarcade_tourn_access']) AND ($score['record'] = arcade_access($score['gameid'])) > 2)

replace with

    $score['record'] = arcade_access($score['gameid']);

    if ($score['matchid'])
    {    //apply tournament score
        vbarcade_match_end($score['matchid'], $score['score']);
        if (!$vbulletin->options['dbtech_vbarcade_tourn_access']) $score['record'] = 2;
    if ($score['record'] > 2)

that should prevent the tournament scores from showing up on the portal when that setting is turned off. when you turn the setting to record tournament scores to on, they should post to the portal again. let me know please :D
On to it now DW.. little problem "jackpot addon included in the beta copy" I can't see it..

Forget that just found my glasses..:RpS_ohmy:
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Thanks Darkwaltz4..Jackpots is sorted..I take it you updated arcade.php beta#2 with the above edits..

Still posting to the portal come the last round..And just noticed it added another point to the game..Might be the game I'll try another..

last round score posting...jpg

latest champions.jpg
I'll try a few,possibly the game, if no one is reporting the same issue.As with the image below the scoring has gone wayward..

best score..jpg
Just tried another 2 games and the tourneys worked perfectly..They didn't post come the last round and jackpots didn't raise.:D

Might have been some caching somewhere the dodgy games working fine now also..The only thing I did different was delete the old tournaments, so not sure.
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Legacy vBArcade

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