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If i edit any templates, flush the system or do a system test i get a white page.

If I disable the plugin i can then flush the cache and save a new template, but as soon as i enable the mod again the old version displays in the browser, despite the changes showing in the admincp template editor.

Hey Hybrid,

I believe this is related to your other issue, once that's resolved we can come back to this :)

I ran a system test and yours fails on "Flush Cache", this is likely because you're using XCache and it requires authentification. You'll need to turn on the XCache Authentification setting within your admin cp (in vB Optimise settings), then edit ./vboptimise/config.php and assign the username/password for XCache there. Once entered run a system test again to make sure all tests process correctly and that should resolve your problem.
The settings are defined in your php.ini, although the password is not shown in plain-text. If you didn't install XCache chances are you have no username/password buth authentification will still be on, you can ask your host to either assign a user/pass or disable xcache authentification.
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