Can I Solve This Project with Your Software ?


New member
Hi Guys, lot of hours into Web and at least i got come clues who can do that.

There is Project;

1- People buying Credits with paypal
5 Eur = 100 Credit
10 Eur = 300 Credit

2- After Buying, they have Credits, yes.

3- Now they spend credits for downloads. ( Any Attachements can be, but in this project: Pictures )
Attachements can be 1, 2, 3, 5, 10 etc credits.

4- Ok that hard part; Peoples like sharing, when they shares photos, can earn credits for each downloads and change to eur's when reach to 1000 credit (or something like that)

When Customer dowloading a 10 credit attachement, uploader will earn 4 credit.
That system working for every Customer Downloads.

Okey it is my project, can i do that with your products ?

Thank you..
I am sure that can be achieved with vBshop and vBcredits, Darkwaltz4 and Fillip H. will be able to answer in full when they get a moment.
I'll have to check with David about the vBDOwnloads specific part, but i believe 1, 2 and 3 are all possible using a combination of vBDownloads, vBCredits II Deluxe and vBShop.

Unfortunately option 4 is not possible as PayPal does not support people being paid from an account automatically. That part would have to be done manually.

I'll have to check with David about the vBDOwnloads specific part, but i believe 1, 2 and 3 are all possible using a combination of vBDownloads, vBCredits II Deluxe and vBShop.

Unfortunately option 4 is not possible as PayPal does not support people being paid from an account automatically. That part would have to be done manually.


Yes paying part need to be manual, but award part for uploaders is possible right ?
Award Part: gettin credits to uploader for each customer download.

Also i need to ask another thing, are you guys, have SET-UP Service ?
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vBDownloads integration will allow you to charge/give a fixed price for downloading and uploading. The value is not dynamic at the moment however and it is not possible to give the uploader credits every time their files are downloaded. This is something that has been requested a lot and is certainly something I would like to add to downloads!