
  1. SaN-DeeP

    Question Entries?

    one field in usergroup permissions - "Entries Auto Approved?", "Can Judge Entries?" May i know what does entries mean in ur mod? does it mean user results?? what does it mean by "Can Judge Entries?" thx.
  2. S

    Question Running my 1st Contest

    I will be running my 1st competition at the start of March. (Reason why i bought Activity) Seeing you have no manual on how things are done using this can you answer a few questions, and add more if you think is needed ... Will i need to empty all the previous data regarding activity from all...
  3. Impulse

    Question Donation messages and points

    Hey, I was just curious if there's a way to leave messages when donating points or if there's a way to show then in the transaction history? Also, is there anyway to manually add points for a user? For example, give someone 30 points or more for winning a contest or doing something else...
  4. A

    Bug Can't Add Contest

    HI... When I click to add a new brings me a "invalid Action" acreen. Any Clue...? BTW I was using Lite version and just instaal Pro version...reuploading files and reimporting new xml. Ty in advance.
  5. H

    vBActivity & Awards Pro

    Hello, I am looking to use this product for monthly competitions. Basically the top 3 users per month with the most points will get a prize, cash or otherwise. Would this work well using your product to score the users on their activity? Will the system tell me the top 3 members each and...
  6. S


    How do I use the Contest portion of this? Why do all of the prize dropdown boxes display N/A?
  7. T

    Manual or Help section?

    I installed Activity Pro and I'm looking for some form of help file or manual or something that gives a run down on what everything is and how it works. Where can I find such a thing?:confused:
  8. V

    How and Why ??

    Hello! I have a question for all those who are using vBActivity Pro and using .vBActivity Awards. Can you please point out for me that how vBActivity Awards are better than Yet Another Awards System? I am currently using Lite version of vBActivity and Yet Another Awards System but if...
  9. A

    Forum Mod Questions

    Hello, I didn't know where to post my questions so I am posting in the off-topic section. I am running vBExperience 4.0.3 on my VBulletin forum 4.0.6. I am thinking of starting a paying to post kind of contest on my forum that uses vBExperience. But I am having a few problems and wish to...
  10. Freekoid

    Album pictures / Attachments Criteria

    Why is there no option in criteria manager for album or attachment or attachment views yet there is a table in dbtech_vbactivy_points ?? And also lastvisit Thanks
  11. Freekoid

    Achievement contest for winning points

    Is there any option or will there be for a competition to run to win extra points? eg Spending in the shop And can you add points to members without physically doing it in myphpadmin?
  12. Eniac

    Credits / Points questions

    Hello Guys. Wow is this thing cool looking! Older version user here. Have a few questions. So, I can change the credits/ points to whatever I need correct? Like for example... we want earnings (for a race site) and cash! Members can get cash from forum activities and earnings from races...
  13. Freekoid

    Competition Criteria

    I notice that there is no criteria set aside for a one off win of X points. eg. Best Sig comp ; Member of the month ; etc The winner would be awarded to X amount of points via ACP.
  14. cykelmyggen

    Question on Contest

    In the 3.8. version of vBA You're asked to put in an activity points target when creating a contest. I'm not quite sure what to put into this field. In fact I'm truly missing a few pieces of documentation on this plugin on other areas too.
  15. B

    No Manual = lots of Questions . . . Contest Question

    Ok, I know you're working on a manual, but I have a mess of questions: 1. When Adding a New Contest it offers the field "Activity Points Target". How do we use this field? For example: if I want the activity points to come from "Points for threads only"- can I set it to do that and...
  16. DragonByte Technologies

    Poll: Origin Story

    So we're unsure which direction to go with the origin story. Please base your judgement on the content and not the writing style, as one of the stories was written by someone of considerably less talent than the other =P The story will be written by the same person, regardless of which origin is...
  17. krutten

    Can't quite wrap my brain around how everything fits together...

    For whatever reason, I can't quite get a grasp on how this whole system goes together. If someone could clearly explain each of the following and how they are alike/different and work together (or point me to somewhere that does), it would really help... Medals vs Achievements vs Trophies -...
  18. DragonByte Technologies

    vBQuiz Suggestions

    One of our upcoming products is a Quiz modification for vBulletin 3.8.x and 4.x Please feel free to suggest/request features in here. No guarantee they'll be added, but I'll look at the merits of each one and decide whether or not we can fit it into the schedule. Cheers, Cosmic
  19. R

    Is there a way to GIVE Trophies to Specific Members?

    I like the fact that the Medals are good for giving specific members a reward, but I would love to give specific trophies to members that won a contest, or an event... I think Trophies are a more rewarding thing to receive when winning a contest, no? lol Any way of doing this?
  20. R

    Give achievements to members

    I wish there was some sort of way to add achievements to SPECIFIC members. I can go to their Profile, click on 'Give Achievement', and select one of the hidden achievements that can only be given by a staff member. This would have been an amazing feature, especially on websites that want to...