
  1. hachito

    Question What Type of Quiz must use ???

    Dear Friends, I need to do a contest for my forum users to guess who will make the 100th goal of my team in the championship game. What is the type of quiz that I use to do that? example: Potential players that will make the goal number 100 are: 1) John 2) pedro 3) Angel The quiz has a...
  2. S

    Bug contest

    i have started up a contest but nothing appears in activity contest section
  3. djFarsang

    Bug Error after upload new ver 5.4.7 to host

    After upload new ver 5.4.7 to host, there are error following: Fatal error: VBSHOUT_CACHE::Registry object is not an object in [path]/dbtech/vbshout/includes/class_cache.php on line 86 #0 vb_error_handler(256, VBSHOUT_CACHE::Registry object is not an object...
  4. N

    Legacy Contest lacking some critical features!

    Ohhh, Nooooo :( I must say that I agree with other members here who bought this mod in order for them to have contests and now that feature is lacking in some basic options. Being a admin I have searched for nice mode which will have contest option, so I bought life-time membership, because I...
  5. Darkwaltz4

    Legacy Task: Editing

    An upcoming beta will include the game editor, but I hear its pretty common to have a lot of games. I want to make this process as easy as possible. I was thinking to make it operate similarly to the game import screens. Heres a small survey you can answer as much as you want, or anything you...
  6. konakid

    Question Contest Questions

    I am probably doing this wrong or posting in the wrong place. If so - sorry. I read the following, but saw no "Question Category," only "How Do I," Bug," and "Feature Request." "How Do I?": If you have a question regarding what our products can do, choose the Question category. Please do not...
  7. H

    Question MP3 and Photos

    At the moment we run several quizzes on our site but they are bespoke and I am looking to bring them all under one hood. I wonder if it is possible to run a music quiz. Member uploads a clip (MP3) and then others have to guess the group. We do this already and make up an mp3 with 5 clips and the...
  8. C

    Question Snapshots?

    What are snap shots? and how do I use them? Is there a way for me to compare activity today with activity two months from now to calculate the change on a per user?
  9. C

    Legacy More Contest Feature Ideas/Requests

    Not sure if you guys want these seperately or under one thread...feel free to merge with my other post...and I will follow that lead for additional ideas. Another type of contest I think would be neat to implement would be the ability to set a threshold. Say 100 points... (again with the...
  10. C

    Question Contests?

    I realize that the contest feature doesn't do what I hoped it would and I have submitted a feature request..but I can't see where/what it is doing any thing at all. I set up a contest to start today. Can I view the progress to see who is in the lead? How do I know it is doing anything? If...
  11. C

    Legacy Improved Contest and tracking

    I'd like to be able to select certain criteria for a contest...for example a referral and/or posting contest. Basically a check list of the already tracked activities that I can select to run a given contest. Then the system would track the activities for the contest time period. I would also...
  12. C

    Question Contest for certain activities?

    Is it possible to run a contest that only tracks certain activities ....for example a referral and posting contest? Is there a place to view the leader board for the contest? I read through a couple other threads in this forum and like those guys, my main motivation for purchasing vbactivity...
  13. galerio

    Bug Points not counted when post with Tapatalk

    I'm running my first contest and after 1 day I have my first problem: the users that use Tapatalk to post don't receive the points!!!
  14. galerio

    Question Extract user id and total points of each users

    Hi, I need to extract a list of user id with associated their activity points (the total). Can you help me to find a db command to do that from shell? I need it because of lack of contest's feature to count point in a range of time. My intent is to register all the points of each the users at...
  15. galerio

    Question Add an icon to the new button

    How can I add an icon or image to the new button I have created?
  16. galerio

    Bug Activity contest: only 1 winner instead of two or three

    I created some contests with two or three prizes, but at the end only 1 winner (even if the target points are surpassed by other members)
  17. galerio

    Bug Activity contest Edit issue

    After I have created a contest with, for example, 3 awards, when I click on Edit I can see only two fields to set the awards. Here are screenshots:
  18. M

    Question How do i make a contest

    Hi, I want to make contests on my forum : All i need is a contest each month that will count points from most activities, and i want to offer prizes in free bets, or even real money. How do i do that ? I added award so i can add prize, but i don't like that, because the...
  19. M

    Remove copyright

    I bought the remove copyright, but there is a file that doesn't has any intruction just to edit a file that can't be find anywhere, why don't you make better instructions ? so where is that file that need to be edited ? My website is
  20. hachito

    Legacy Contest functionality for VBQUIZ !!!

    Dylan: I'm very happy with Vbquiz because I waited for over 1 year. Carefully reviewing each of the features of the program, I see that is missing for me is a fundamental and I thought that was included. Vbquiz need to have the capacity or functionality to make a contest. For example: I...