
  1. S

    Bug Expand score manager

    Had the problem originally when I installed..Set global scoring to on, set permissions to not allow guests (eventually) but as the image shows is there a way to get shut of guests scores and also a way to increase the font size? As also the image.. I am looking to purchase the lifetime...
  2. Trekkan

    SSL Cert Issue

    I know this is a work in progress, but I don't know if this is known or not, so I'm reporting it. This page for instance: Get's an SSL cert complaint...
  3. F

    Bug About transactions and other questions

    Ok here some updates regarding my questions: I could setup the point field into the vbavatars with vbcredits, ok that worked out, great, but something strange happened, when i purchased 1 usd, and i confirmed my payment the points i've purchased appears, thats great too, a message came to me...
  4. F

    Legacy Some feature requests...

    Hello guys, I had some ideas that I'd like to have done on my site and thought it might be useful for others as well, so I'm posting this as a feature request for future iterations. The ability to sort images/albums by username as well as the other options. Can we see a numerical value to...
  5. F

    Question A handful of "How Do I" questions inside please...

    Hello, I've uploaded the lite version to my test board to work things out before setting up on my live site. I do have some procedure questions and hope you can answer them. FYI - Please keep in mind for some of the questions below I'm set up using the vBstyle for the Gallery Layout. How do...
  6. W

    Legacy Invitations and vbActivity and Awards

    Hello! I just installed the beta on my test domain. It looks pretty good, and the invitation system looks REALLY good. I have a request for the invitation system, and that is simply to add successful registered invites to a new points field for vbActivity and Awards. I requested this ages ago...
  7. W

    Legacy Contest Activity

    I have my first contest setup and going well, and will only have one winner. The Contest Activity will only show the person currently in the lead. I think it would be great for motivating people to compete by being more active if we should show a leaderboard. Is there any way to do this?
  8. W

    Bug How to add Nominate botton at footer of posts And Missing Options at AdminCP Setting

    Hi, Please let me know how to display the nominate button at the bottom of the post(postbit). Also, I noticed that the following option is missing at AdminCP > Settings > Options > Dragonbyte-Tech: vBNominate - General Options Combined Menu Hook Location Thread Hook Location Post Hook...
  9. Neo_Angelo

    Legacy User Spotlight/Catwalk/fashion awards type addon

    Ok here a suggestion that i thought might be cool for this mod, a user voting beauty/fashion contest, Admins could set up events to run in either a designated forum (where a thread would be created to vote) or have a tab within vBavatars for viewing competitions and voting. Admins can create a...
  10. S

    Question Running a Contest Using the Quiz

    Is it possible thru Activity Contest/Awards to run a Quiz Contest? :confused: Thanks
  11. C

    Question activity contest

    I am finally getting around to playing with the new activity contest features. The first question I have is, where on the front end does the contest show up? I see there is a spot for a banner, etc. I assume there must be a page where users can learn about the contest, see the stats, etc.?
  12. LuDawgs

    Bug Host Keeps Blocking My Site

    Hey, guys. For the past day, my host has been shutting off my account and taking my site offline. I think this is due to the number of connections that are running and I'm exceeding server load. Do you know if this has ever been a problem in the past? My site is relatively small with only...
  13. GoodApples

    Legacy Contest Settings

    Contest settings are set to Public = Yes Show Criteria = No To improve the product I believe it would be best to not show the N/A settings. If there are excluded there is no need to show it to all usergroups. I am about to start my first contest and testing. :) It would be better if this...
  14. GoodApples

    Question Contest Banner Size

    I am about to start the set up of my first contest. :cool: What is the recommend size for the contest banners...any suggestions? Full Size = ? Small Size = ?
  15. C

    Bug Upgrade Error

    Just trying to upgrade from 2.1.7 and got this error: Installation Failed Sorry, the product encountered an error during installation. More information is provided below to help address the issue. 300.php not found in directory ********forum/dbtech/vbactivity/install
  16. G

    Thread, Topic, Blog etc of the Week/Month

    This was made for vB3, however there has never been a v4 version released. It basically implemented a button on the bottom of the first post that allowed a user to Nominate that thread. The Mo also created a thread in a specified section showing a poll of nominated threads and automatically...
  17. Freekoid

    Legacy All areas already ticked in Criteria Settings (contest)

    Maybe a small ask I guess. Can we have a checkbox in Contest Management > Criteria Settings please, this will allow all boxes to be checked instead of manually performing each one. Excluded is a must IMO. Thanks
  18. Freekoid

    Legacy Allow members to create contest forum side?

    I have the most imaginative ideas when I trudge to work each day and this one sprang to mind. As the title states, I was thinking along the lines of allowing said member to set up a comp in X forum until X (post points is reached) the prize would be from your own stash of points. I guess some...
  19. Sombeech

    Bug I can't see the "DBTech - Post Thanks" tab in admincp

    First off I'm also using DBTech's User Tagging Pro, just curious if this could be conflicting, although I doubt it. I've installed and uninstalled, uploaded and deleted the files 3X, and I cannot see the DBTech Post Thanks tab on the left side of my admincp. The only options I get are under...
  20. W

    Legacy What I want to do with this modification

    Long time no see to my favorite vBulletin modification developers! As someone said in a blog comment recently, this mod feels a bit lacking compared what I thought it was able to do when I first purchased it. Partially it is because I haven't utilized the achievements and such very much, but...