
  1. Nirjonadda

    Legacy Rotating Activity Contests

    Create Rotating Activity Contests (Automatically created on schedule) Daily Weekly Monthly
  2. Nirjonadda

    Bug Previous Contests

    Hello Previous Contests view more info does not work.also bug on Prizes mark on admin cp,please check and give me fix.
  3. Nirjonadda

    Bug Activity Contests PM Bug

    Hello Activity Contests PM Bug? Contest Winner Send PM Unregistered Guest Member,Why does not send forum Admin?
  4. Vcize

    Question Custom item -> sql query

    I run the occasional contest/giveaway (for real physical goods) on my forum. I would like to allow users to buy entries to the contest with credits through vbshop. For the entries, I have a table that stores the userid, date, and contest name each time they make an entry. As such, I'd like to...
  5. Nirjonadda

    Bug Ongoing Contests

    Hello Ongoing Contests view info link not working,when click view info nothing happens,how to set Activity Points Target?please check on this issue.
  6. Bullmama DeLano

    Question Global Notification with link

    How can I put a link in Global Notification? For example, I put this for the notification but I get a 404. <a href=””>Don’t forget to nominate your favorite recipes for Recipe of the Month! CLICK TO...
  7. A

    Bug Translation Log

    Hello there, I'm currently doing a translation for this mod to response the fact that it is the best rated new year contest mod. Now I do need help with locating some phrases: I've found: dbtech_ membermap_ canedit dbtech_ membermap_ canoptout I suppose this phrases are not used (yet), as I...
  8. Morrus

    Legacy Feature Requests

    I dunno if this product is still being worked on, but here are a couple of features requests from similar products/sites: 1) List of recent quiz takers and results in a box/sidebar/something. 2) Include the quiz description in the auto-created new quiz thread. 3) For scored quizzes, most...
  9. A

    German Draft Posts goes "Beitragsskizzen"

    ENGLISH/ENGLISCH Hello there, this is my third new year contest translation. Now I got "Draft Posts" for you. Don't forget to follow me on Forum - News for updates and more. GERMAN/DEUTSCH Weiter gehts mit Teil 3 meiner Übersetzungsserie. Heute ist "Draft Posts" dran...
  10. A

    German Advanced Censor Options goes "Individuell zensieren"

    ENGLISH/ENGLISCH Hey there, next translation of a new year contest product. Hope you like it. Updates and more on Forum - News GERMAN/DEUTSCH Und weiter gehts mit einem kostenlosen DB Tech Hack. Diesmal gibts was zu zensieren. *** :D Folgt mir auch auf...
  11. fly

    Can't order Essentials bundles and new years contest bundles...

    So I'm trying to order the Essentials bundle, Ajax Threads, and the free (since I'm spending over $150) New Years Contest bundle. However, it won't allow me to use the coupon for the Contest bundle. What am I doing wrong?
  12. G

    Bug iPad and TapaTalk

    I have a member on my forums using iPad and TapaTalk but their points aren't increasing in the contest?
  13. G

    Question Exclude certain users

    Can you exclude certain users or usergroups from contests?
  14. G

    Bug Activity Contest not sending Admin notification

    I started a trial contest. I set the start date and the end date was 5 minutes later. I used a test account to do some posting and the test account appeared on the Activity Contests page as being Current Standing. I placed my userID 1 as Admin Notification. At the end of the contest I received...
  15. G

    Question Set start date for points

    Hi, I'm wondering does this product, Lite or Pro allow you to set a start date for activity points? So like if I want to use it for competitions can I set a date, for example 01/01/2013 for the points all to be set at 0 and count until the end of the competition?
  16. M

    Question Give Points

    How can I give points to a user as an award for a specific reason? Example, I run a contest and I want to give each person who enters 100 points and the winner 1000 points. Is this possible and how? Do I need to upgrade to the pro version?
  17. wvminer

    Question Removing Activity Contest and Activity Target Winners from Encyclopedia

    Is this even possible? I just want the awards bit, but am having issues removing these two (empty) catagories from the encyclopedia section of the navbar link. Any suggestions/how-tos? I've disabled their use in the ACP, but they're still displaying there :RpS_unsure:
  18. W

    Legacy Is there a way to check a list of who a user invited?

    As the title says, I'd like to know if I can see a list of everyone who a user invited. Trying to make sure they don't cheat on a contest by sending all their invites to a single IP address or something :P
  19. W

    Question Show Full List of all Users with Achievement?

    I'm curious, is there a way to show all of the users who have a specific achievement? I see a list that shows the first 20 names and then says "637 others." I'd like to see those others, if possible. How do I do it?
  20. C

    Legacy Calculating Activity/Contest Points

    I had a few errors in point assignments and contest type when I launched a contest yesterday. I made the necessary changes and recalculated points but when I re-made the contest my winners list went blank. Can points be calculated for a contest retro actively? When I recalculated points I had...