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Long time no see to my favorite vBulletin modification developers! As someone said in a blog comment recently, this mod feels a bit lacking compared what I thought it was able to do when I first purchased it. Partially it is because I haven't utilized the achievements and such very much, but that little part is my own fault.

Here is what I want to be able to do: On my site we are going to have a big influx of users soon when the next game our fansite supports comes out. I want to hold an invitation contest before the release. Basically, I envision people giving a registration link to their friends, so they get credit for successfully inviting people to come and register on the site. At the end of the time period I want to be able to see anyone who successfully invited 5 people (with different IP addresses, so as to avoid the duplicate e-mail trickery). Whoever invites 5 people successfully during that time frame gets a trophy or achievement, but only if they did it within the contest time frame. Then I want an easy to read list for the admins to see who succeeded so I can randomly choose winners to get free copies of the game.

I tried looking through the system a month or two back, but it didn't look like this was possible with the way vbAA is set up right now.
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Excellent suggestion and hope it is added to future updates.

Show me a website that allows members to suggest stuff and the developers to take on board your requests and actually become reality.. I cant think of any except this one!
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