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Not sure if you guys want these seperately or under one thread...feel free to merge with my other post...and I will follow that lead for additional ideas.

Another type of contest I think would be neat to implement would be the ability to set a threshold. Say 100 points... (again with the potential to select only the activities that will be counted as requested in my earlier feature request thread). Then any member that reaches that threshold would qualify for a drawing. The system could then use a random generator to pick the winner from those that qualified.

To take this idea a step further lets say for every 100 points, the member gets another entry into the contest drawing.

I would also like to be able to select whether or not I need control over the final decision. For example if the system picks someone that was determined to be ineligible, I would like to be able to re-draw a name from qualfiying members. Upon selection, the admin or designated mod can accept the result and the system would then award the trophy.

Another type of contest that would be nice to have, is to be able to designate a thread that each member can reply to once per day (or a frequency as determined by the admin/mod) to get entered into the contest. Then at the end of the month (or whatever duration specified), the system randomly selects a winner from the replies to the thread. I run something similar to this now, but it would be nice to streamline the process and utilize the forum 100% for this activity that way the daily tickets show up as forum activity. You can see how I do it now at this link.
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Separate threads are fine, as a rule of thumb it's always better to separate ideas - makes it easier when reviewing them for inclusion :)
I know you can't say exactly when some new contest features will be available...but could you give a an idea of the time frame... like a month, 6 months, year, etc. Not even necessarily my ideas...but just an off the cuff goal of when when you would roll out the next version of vbactivity with additional functionality in the contest area.
I know you can't say exactly when some new contest features will be available...but could you give a an idea of the time frame... like a month, 6 months, year, etc. Not even necessarily my ideas...but just an off the cuff goal of when when you would roll out the next version of vbactivity with additional functionality in the contest area.

To be honest I only keep a pencil schedule of the next 3 months as a rule - I can tell you vBActivity isn't on that, so it will be autumn at the earliest before vBA sees a major update, assuming nothing changes in the meantime (though that's not exactly unthinkable).

It tends to simply get far too inaccurate to try to plan beyond that, but improving the awards aspect of VBAA especially is something we're pretty excited about doing, we've had a lot of great feedback and ideas on it.

I appreciate your honesty. Obviously I'm looking forward to improved functionality with the contests (I assume that is what you are also calling "awards").

I'll keep posting some of my ideas for contest scenarios until you guys tell me to stop. :)
Yep, awards = contests basically. (I use different terms because we actually have a separate contests mod on the to do list for non-automatic contests - think Signature contests, role playing contests etc.)

As far as ideas go, feel free to fire away. I go through every suggestion thread when planning the next version of the mod and make a list from that based on a few factors (how many people it would be useful to, the benefit vs time ratio etc etc).
Cool. I run a ton of contests on my is a link to the contest forum. I generally have at least 4 going at any given time. Some last a month (photo contests, random drawing contests), some up to six months (grow out contests, tank building contests, DIY contests). I'd definitely be up for any modification that helps make life easier to run them. I also have run referral contests in the past...I am gearing up for a referral contest now, which is one reason I purchased vbactivity (not realizing it wasn't yet quite what I was hoping...but it sounds like it will get there).
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