Legacy Contest functionality for VBQUIZ !!!

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Dylan: I'm very happy with Vbquiz because I waited for over 1 year.
Carefully reviewing each of the features of the program, I see that is missing for me is a fundamental and I thought that was included.
Vbquiz need to have the capacity or functionality to make a contest.

For example:

I created a quiz with 4 questions.
Exactly what I need is that when you finish the quiz, I have a WINNER of it.
In other words, if you do QUIZ 10 people, I need to know which of the 10 people won the quiz or contest, and if more than one winner who guessed all the questions, have a way to pick a winner between them.

I hope that is possible to include in Vbquiz

I send you a big hug from Argentina.
I hope the other users are interested in this functionality to Vbquiz, as currently I do not know any program to perform contests to vbulletin.

Horacio (hachito)
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obviously , highest scorer shd be displayed? and other scorer per quiz shd be displayed in descending manner with their %.
isnt that included in current version?

btw, author of quiz wont be displayed as winner though having highest %. :)
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you can view the current entries and sort them by date or by score. He's looking more for a quiz/contest type combination so they can take quizzes, have 1 winner and track the winners type thing.
you can view the current entries and sort them by date or by score.

But by default, top 3/5 socrers shd be displayed on quiz page..

He's looking more for a quiz/contest type combination so they can take quizzes, have 1 winner and track the winners type thing.

same thing..top scorer shd be winner..that's wht i'm also telling..whether u want to make that contest or not, there shd be winner. :D
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