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one field in usergroup permissions - "Entries Auto Approved?", "Can Judge Entries?"

May i know what does entries mean in ur mod?

does it mean user results??

what does it mean by "Can Judge Entries?"

one field in usergroup permissions - "Entries Auto Approved?", "Can Judge Entries?"

May i know what does entries mean in ur mod?

does it mean user results??

what does it mean by "Can Judge Entries?"


Auto Approved means the quiz does not have to be approved by a moderator before going live.

Can judge entries means that question types which don't score manually (e.g essay type answers) need to be judged by a user.

The users/groups who can do this have "can judge entries" permission =)
actually i know wht doen autoapprove mean..
but i'm unable to understand difference between "entries" and "quiz"
like there is field for approve quiz and approve entries both..and similar screenshot for both in documentation..

plz explain difference?
Max Quiz tries (Enter zero to allow max set per quiz) - if i set it "5" in admincp and if during quiz i set it "2", then will it remain "2" for all or "2" for usergroup with "0" and "5" for usergroup with "5" set in admincp..
"Override User Results Settings" - does this mean if i keep difference settings for individual user and usergreoup, it'll apply usergroup if this is checked?
"View Permissions " - while creating category of quiz, if i allow unregistered user to view quiz, will user just see title of quiz only? isnt it?
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actually i know wht doen autoapprove mean..
but i'm unable to understand difference between "entries" and "quiz"
like there is field for approve quiz and approve entries both..and similar screenshot for both in documentation..

plz explain difference?
Max Quiz tries (Enter zero to allow max set per quiz) - if i set it "5" in admincp and if during quiz i set it "2", then will it remain "2" for all or "2" for usergroup with "0" and "5" for usergroup with "5" set in admincp..
"Override User Results Settings" - does this mean if i keep difference settings for individual user and usergreoup, it'll apply usergroup if this is checked?
"View Permissions " - while creating category of quiz, if i allow unregistered user to view quiz, will user just see title of quiz only? isnt it?

The Quiz is the actual quiz record, entry is the person taking the quiz. So you have one quiz, you have multiple people who take the quiz, which are the entries.
So if users are allowed to create quizzes, you can specify if they need to have their quizzes approved. If users can take quizzes you can specify if they just take the quiz or if they have to be approved before they can take the quiz.

The retries is the most restrictive. If a usergroup has 5 retries set and the quiz has 2 retries set, they will be able to take it 2 times. If the usergroup has 2 retries set and the quiz has 10 retries set, they will be able to take it 2 times.

If you set the usergroup results to be public and set it to override the users settings, it will be public regardless of what the user sets in their UserCP.

If you set a category to view then the users will be able to see all the quizzes and their details within the category. They can view the quiz page but do not have the button to take it available.
so basically entries are after user has taken quiz but before results published, isnt it?
rest seems cool.
btw, if i allow moderators to modify, will i be able to know if any moderator has modfied any quiz? edited notice like on forum thread, and quiz can be soft deleted or physically deleted directly?
A quiz entry will always be an entry. When the quiz is finished it will still be an entry, you will just be able to see the results of that quiz entry.

There is nothing logging the moderators editing the quizzes. I can add some logging in a future version.
quiz can be soft deleted or only physicaly remove?
again confused after ur reply regarding "entries"
plz explain in steps..
suppose, when i create quiz, it's quiz..and when i take quiz, it's entry. so entry is before i take quiz or after i take quiz?
suppose, if i check "modify entry", does that mean, that usergroup can modify answers submitted by user?
suppose if i check "auto approve entry", does that mean after taking quiz, user result will be published without approval or difference?, if i uncheck, user result wont be publoish, that's so?
and "auto approve quiz" mean approve created quiz directly, isnt it?

sorry for confusion, but it's really complex.. :D
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quiz can be soft deleted or only physicaly remove?
again confused after ur reply regarding "entries"
plz explain in steps..
suppose, when i create quiz, it's quiz..and when i take quiz, it's entry. so entry is before i take quiz or after i take quiz?
suppose, if i check "modify entry", does that mean, that usergroup can modify answers submitted by user?
suppose if i check "auto approve" entry, does that mean after taking quiz, user result will be published without approval or difference?, if i uncheck, user result wont be publoish, that's so?

sorry for confusion, but it's really complex.. :D

Sorry, didn't see that part. Only physically removed.
Just think of an art contest. You have the contest and then you have people who have entries in the contest. Even after it's judged the entry is still an entry in that contest. It's just be scored.
If you give a usergroup access to modify entries then yes, they can modify a users quiz entry. I didn't expect it used much, but added it as a just in case type thing.
If a user is set to auto approve entries then they can take a quiz and their results are automatically published. If they are not set to auto approve, they click the button to take the quiz and are given a message that they must be approved first. You will have to approve them before they can continue taking the quiz. Once they have been approved they will be notified that they can continue taking the quiz. i think i got it now.
it's like you can be examined by your doctor directly if set "autoapprove entry" and you need an appointment if "autoapprove" not checked, isnt it? :) M i getting it rightnow?
so if i dont want any user to get my perssion before taking quiz, i shd set autoapprove for everyone, isnt it?
btw, still modify entry is mystery..what things can be modified in modify entry?? :(
btw, user can modify his own entry/quiz? if i check "modify quiz", then it'll allow to modify only his own quiz or other user quiz too? i think i got it now.
it's like you can be examined by your doctor directly if set "autoapprove entry" and you need an appointment if "autoapprove" not checked, isnt it? :) M i getting it rightnow?
so if i dont want any user to get my perssion before taking quiz, i shd set autoapprove for everyone, isnt it?
btw, still modify entry is mystery..what things can be modified in modify entry?? :(
btw, user can modify his own entry/quiz? if i check "modify quiz", then it'll allow to modify only his own quiz or other user quiz too?

Yes, if auto approved entries is not checked then any member of that group will not be able to take any quizzes until you approve it.

if they can modify an entry then they can go in and change the answers. Like I said, I didn't expect it to be assigned much but put it there as a just in case it's needed.

The quiz creator can always modify their own quizzes. The usergroup setting for modifying quizzes gives them access to modify other users quizzes.'s easy now.

BTW, if i allow moderators to modify entries and modify quiz, they can modify quiz of any usergroup including admin?

lower usergroup shdnt be able to modify higher usergroup quiz/entry.'s easy now.

BTW, if i allow moderators to modify entries and modify quiz, they can modify quiz of any usergroup including admin?

lower usergroup shdnt be able to modify higher usergroup quiz/entry.

They can modify anyone's quizzes if they are given the permissions. There are no higher/lower group levels in vB really, just different amounts of access.
1."Guest Access Enabled?"
if i disable this in vbquiz setting and in usergroup permission, i "allow to view quiz" to unregistered users, then users can view quiz?
if yes, then what does it make difference if i enable "Guest Access Enabled?" and "allow to view quiz" both?

2. "Disable Results Field"
i kept it blank..wht will it do?
will it hide user results in their profile? wht shd i write to unhide?
which setting do u preffer?

3. I've seen field named "answer worth" on demo dbtech forum..i'm unable to see same now on my board as well as dbtech demo forum..where it is? :)

4. where can i set fix marks per correct and incorrect question? or i can set only while creating quiz, individual for each quiz? that's also unable to see to do that?

5. user can delete his own quiz later on? that option shd be disabled or set like user can delete & or edit his quiz only within 24hours of creation. really needed.

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The retries is the most restrictive. If a usergroup has 5 retries set and the quiz has 2 retries set, they will be able to take it 2 times. If the usergroup has 2 retries set and the quiz has 10 retries set, they will be able to take it 2 times.
usergroup shd override quiz in this option of maxomum tries, isnt that so?

and if user retries "x" no of times, his shd be given negative marks for each no of tries.. it's geniune system in our education. :)
1."Guest Access Enabled?"
if i disable this in vbquiz setting and in usergroup permission, i "allow to view quiz" to unregistered users, then users can view quiz?
if yes, then what does it make difference if i enable "Guest Access Enabled?" and "allow to view quiz" both?

2. "Disable Results Field"
i kept it blank..wht will it do?
will it hide user results in their profile? wht shd i write to unhide?
which setting do u preffer?

3. I've seen field named "answer worth" on demo dbtech forum..i'm unable to see same now on my board as well as dbtech demo forum..where it is? :)

4. where can i set fix marks per correct and incorrect question? or i can set only while creating quiz, individual for each quiz? that's also unable to see to do that?

5. user can delete his own quiz later on? that option shd be disabled or set like user can delete & or edit his quiz only within 24hours of creation. really needed.


Guest Access Enabled shouldn't be in there yet. The setting doesn't do anything for the 1.0.0 version.

The disable results should have the name of the custom user field for hiding your quiz results. I'm replacing that in the next bugfix. It wasn't working right that way so I went a different route

The answer worth is a field that's shown when you add most types of questions. If you create a multiple choice quiz and go to add a question are you saying you don't see the answer worth field?

The mark per correct as you are calling it is per answer. Each answer has it's own worth in points.

I'll add the options of stopping users from editing/deleting their quizzes to the feature list
1. but i can see "Guest Access Enabled" field in vbquiz general options. i kept it "no" but allowed guests to view quiz in usergroup permissions, so still guest will be able to view quiz, isnt it?

2. so i shd keep "Disable Results Field" blank rightnow, isnt it?

3 & 4.

oh, it's when we add questions. So i i want 4 marks for corrent question, i shd write 4 beside that option and 0 marks for wrong options, 0 besides it. But by default you shd set "x" marks for correct answer and "y" marks for wrong answers, so we need to change it manually only if we need different marks for each question and generally in multiple choice questions, u dont give different marks , mark system is fixed and same for each question, so u shd allow quiz author to fix it while/nbefore creating quiz not while adding questions.

btw, if i write "-1" in answerworth, will it give negative marking? :D

5. nice but within "x" hours of creating quiz . they shd be allowed to edit or atleast while creating quiz untill they submit it..

wht if i keep points instead percentage in results?
btw, you may want to keep "percentile system" for big boards, where 200+ users r giving quiz.. :)
1. but i can see "Guest Access Enabled" field in vbquiz general options. i kept it "no" but allowed guests to view quiz in usergroup permissions, so still guest will be able to view quiz, isnt it?
The field is there but it's an empty field, there is no workflow tied to it. It will follow along solely with the usergroup permissions.

2. so i shd keep "Disable Results Field" blank rightnow, isnt it?
If you upgrade to 1.0.1 the field should be gone. There is also a user profile field to hide quiz results that you can delete. I switched the user option to hide quizzes to a better field.

3 & 4.

oh, it's when we add questions. So i i want 4 marks for corrent question, i shd write 4 beside that option and 0 marks for wrong options, 0 besides it. But by default you shd set "x" marks for correct answer and "y" marks for wrong answers, so we need to change it manually only if we need different marks for each question and generally in multiple choice questions, u dont give different marks , mark system is fixed and same for each question, so u shd allow quiz author to fix it while/nbefore creating quiz not while adding questions.
It depends on the test you are giving really. Your specific quizzes will need negative marks and set marks for each question. Others will not. I've never taken a quiz where you got minus points for missing an answer, just not positive points.

btw, if i write "-1" in answerworth, will it give negative marking? :D
-1 on a wrong answer wont do anything, the quiz code only counts correct answers presently.

5. nice but within "x" hours of creating quiz . they shd be allowed to edit or atleast while creating quiz untill they submit it..
That'll be in the plan, the admin will choose how long they can edit it for.

wht if i keep points instead percentage in results?
btw, you may want to keep "percentile system" for big boards, where 200+ users r giving quiz.. :)
If you pick points instead of percentages it will show your the points result instead of the percentages on generator quizzes. It's there for admin to choose as wanted.
-1 on a wrong answer wont do anything, the quiz code only counts correct answers presently.

so i shd write "x" marks besides correct answer field only in answer worth?

It depends on the test you are giving really. Your specific quizzes will need negative marks and set marks for each question. Others will not. I've never taken a quiz where you got minus points for missing an answer, just not positive points.

i dont know whether u understood me wht i was trying u to tell..i was telling u to allow quiz author to fix marks while creating quiz, not individually while adding question in "multiple choice/multiselection" quiz..
so i shd write "x" marks besides correct answer field only in answer worth?

i dont know whether u understood me wht i was trying u to tell..i was telling u to allow quiz author to fix marks while creating quiz, not individually while adding question in "multiple choice/multiselection" quiz..

If you wanted to fill it out in anticipation of us modifying it to remove points for incorrect answers you would have to modify the database as it's not setup for negative numbers.

I understand what you are saying, was just trying to get across that everyone has different types of scoring. I've been thinking about it this and I think I know a way that might help that would be good for all along the lines of what you are talking about, I'll add it to the feature list and kick it around when we discuss what's going in next version. Sort of a global default answer worth, when you fill out the questions/answers if the answer is left at zero and the answer is set to correct, set it to the global answer value. Along the lines of what your looking for right?
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Legacy vBQuiz

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DragonByte Technologies
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