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Tried to install this and got a error and I cant remove the Guest Pm notice

Warning: require([path]/dbtech/guest_notice/hooks/global_start.php) [function.require]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in [path]/includes/class_bootstrap.php(122) : eval()'d code on line 3

Fatal error: require() [function.require]: Failed opening required '/home/infinity/public_html/dbtech/guest_notice/hooks/global_start.php' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/infinity/public_html/includes/class_bootstrap.php(122) : eval()'d code on line 3

Hit the browse it downloaded it and now the website went down .How do I dix this please didnt get to finish the files
It appears as if you have uploaded the files incorrectly. Please drag and drop the contents of the upload folder (use Ctrl+A to select all files) to your public_html folder. :) Then you import the product XML.
I cant even get to the site now I only get that error.Is there a file in the srver I can remove to fix this.Im not good with everything.I only installed the xml
You upload the files through your FTP like you did when you installed vBulletin, and the error should go away.
Right, because you did not load the included files to your server. Please drag and drop the contents of the upload folder (use Ctrl+A to select all files) to your public_html folder. :)
I just want to get rid of it now to get the site up and try again.So what would I do in the server and what file would I remove to get the board up since I cant get on the board now
If you do as I said, the site will come back up. Then if you wish, you can uninstall the mod.
The error is telling you that dbtech/guest_notice/hooks/global_start.php is missing and includes/class_bootstrap.php is reporting such.
That file is not a part of the mod, it is a part of vBulletin. If you do as I said, drag and drop the contents of the upload folder (use Ctrl+A to select all files) to your public_html folder, the site will come back up.
OK since you don't seem to want to upload the files, let's try this.

Open your config.php and below<?php add this line:

 define('DISABLE_HOOKS', true);

So it looks like this:
define('DISABLE_HOOKS', true);
/*=================================================  =====================*\
|| ##################################################  ################## ||
|| # vBulletin 4.1.4

Then go to your ACP, uninstall the mod, then remove the define('DISABLE_HOOKS', true); from the config.php
This is support from DBTech, I am the coder of the mod, the two ways I described is the only way to do it. If you want me to fix it for you I will need the following.

Could you please create and PM me with a temporary FTP and AdminCP account?

For security reasons, we recommend you create a new FTP account only for DBTech support, then disable or delete it after we have both confirmed the issue has been solved and there are no further issues.

The same applies to AdminCP accounts; they should ideally be temporary accounts created for us only. If we have created an account on your site already, you can optionally boost that account to Administrator and then de-admin this account once the issue has been solved.

If you use a .htaccess password protection for your AdminCP directory, it is recommended that you create a new authorized user for DBTech and remove this user once the issue has been solved.

Please test any temporary accounts you create to ensure that the FTP account has access to the forum files, and that the AdminCP account can access the administrative controls for the product we are assisting you with.

Ensuring this is all in order before submitting the information will significantly speed up the process of assisting you. We will alert you via PM if there's any issues with the login information you have provided.

When sending the PM, for your security you should also un-tick the "Save a copy in my Sent Items folder" checkbox. When the access details have been received, we will delete the PM from our inbox. Ensuring you have not kept a copy of the PM reduces the risk of security breaches.

Thank you for helping us debug our products and allowing us to assist you, we appreciate it :D
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Legacy Guest PM Notice

vBulletin 4.x.x
DragonByte Technologies
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