VBulletin Automated -Error, Usage Reporting Stats PLUS!


I was wondering if it was possible to show stats for Modules and plugins usage...

Database usage size
How often a plugin gets used
What plugin uses the most cpu
what plugin uses the most memory
Some type of comparison stats that shows which of the plugins is the highest for the hour, day, week and month
Which plugins are on or off
Which plugins use the cache system
Which plugins are using to much ram or require more
Recommendations to fix certain issues
Have a reminder or have a place to put scheduled defrags or Virus scans or even a registry clean that way other moderators or forums members maybe can view it to know why the forums might be lagging... :) Or even have it shut the website down and post the message for Admins/Moderators and maybe show something to members...
Off of the top of my head I'd say no, to be honest. For one there's no "generic" way to track a plugins performance, some plugins will use existing php files, some will use their own, there wouldn't be any easy way to tell which plugin was using which resources, or which files are attached to which plugin...
Fillip H. would be the one to say for sure, but (sadly) I just don't think it'd be possible.
Well thought it was a neat idea... Maybe someone could write a php script to scope it out or maybe Vbulletin could somehow add it or make it part of the API?
That wouldn't be possible without pretty much rewriting the entire way vBulletin works :(

XenForo could technically support it, but not vBulletin. The way files can be used in vBulletin means there's multiple "points of entry" to a vBulletin-powered page, and there's hooks all over the place with no "before" and "after" measurements taken.

I'm terrible at explaining things so you're just going to have to trust me on this one :p
I already asked for this. Sadly, it seems it could be only made by vBulletin. It would be extremely useful, though...