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Even if you disable user tagging (thread tagging?) - it still shows up on the statistics page (which is just a load of blanks).

(For anyone who wants to remove it before a fix - edit the "statistics.php" file in the actions folder :)
I've uploaded a hotfix that will print a No Permissions error message when the stats are turned off, the link will be removed in the next update :)
I think a little misunderstanding - I mean on the usertag?do=statistics page - where it has the 6 blocks of stats.

Even if you disable thread tagging, it's still listed :)
There is no setting to disable thread tagging that I can see, could you tell me what setting you're referring to?
(Pro) Enable Tagged Users List
This setting controls whether the Tagged Users list is available in the threads.

Doesn't that setting simply control whether the list of tagged users display - not prevent the whole thread tagging system from working?
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