
I am actually thinking about switching forums... from vBulletin to Xenforo.

I don't want to sound selfish but I was wondering what happened to all the Xenforo hype that I used to see in here.

Are the mod creators planning to transition their mods into Xenforo? If I was the owner, I would definitely take advantage of the fact XenForo does not have a shop modification!

Just a thought. :)

- Red
That is the tentative deadline to get a team together I believe, Cosmic will be able to answer this more indepth, as he is the one coordinating with potential developers.
Thanks Ozzy <3

Is that September deadline placed to announce the XenForo division team? Or are there products that are going to be released for XenForo in September?

As Ozzy said thats when I aim to have a team in place for XF to being development on it. At the moment it is proving very difficult to find good, ethusiastic coders for XenForo though =(.
At the moment it is proving very difficult to find good, ethusiastic coders for XenForo though =(.

This makes for a sad Trekkan. :( I'm testing out xF now (Bought it when it was released though) for a potential new site and I'm realizing all of the mods that aren't there yet. Including pretty much everything DBT has done, even the functionality of the mods. So sad.
That is indeed unfortunate.

It just seems XenForo really needs DragonByte mods in order for the forum software to actually appear a LOT more appealing than vBulletin.

Time will tell. I hope you guys can get a team together!
Unfortunately the minimalistic approach of xF itself and the authors of it, doesn't lend to them doing too much when it comes to making options for the masses. It seems that they'd rather stick to the Apple way of doing things and saying "Here, drink this kool-aid, you like it.". Not that xF is a bad product, what they have done is really nice and I like it a lot. But they don't seem to encourage modding the software, at least from a marketing perspective on their site. Maybe it's just early in their roadmap and we'll see more later, hopefully so.

To be fair though, I think more than anything, it's the community there that annoys the hell out of me. So many people with their heads so far up their own asses... you can't ask a simple question because it's beneath them to answer. When you do ask a question, they continually question you as to "WHY?!" you need/want such a thing, even though they themselves aren't even going to code it. Everyone wants to tell everyone what and how to do things there instead of just shutting the hell up if it's not something they are personally interested in. Sadly, the vB forums are much nicer when to comes to how the mod community treats each other. I think it's because many on the xF mod community consider themselves above anyone else and are basically elitist jerks.

Anyway, sorry for the rant, I like xF, plan on using xF and hope it succeeds in all ways. I just dislike what I've seen of the majority of the community there and how the mods let the elitists treat other paying customers of xF.
sigh indeed, i was plannign to migrate from vb to xf but this wont be possible without the mods

i wondering if theres coders who are not willingly to go with xf during the ongoing lawsuit?
Unfortunately the minimalistic approach of xF itself and the authors of it, doesn't lend to them doing too much when it comes to making options for the masses. It seems that they'd rather stick to the Apple way of doing things and saying "Here, drink this kool-aid, you like it.". Not that xF is a bad product, what they have done is really nice and I like it a lot. But they don't seem to encourage modding the software, at least from a marketing perspective on their site. Maybe it's just early in their roadmap and we'll see more later, hopefully so.

To be fair though, I think more than anything, it's the community there that annoys the hell out of me. So many people with their heads so far up their own asses... you can't ask a simple question because it's beneath them to answer. When you do ask a question, they continually question you as to "WHY?!" you need/want such a thing, even though they themselves aren't even going to code it. Everyone wants to tell everyone what and how to do things there instead of just shutting the hell up if it's not something they are personally interested in. Sadly, the vB forums are much nicer when to comes to how the mod community treats each other. I think it's because many on the xF mod community consider themselves above anyone else and are basically elitist jerks.

Anyway, sorry for the rant, I like xF, plan on using xF and hope it succeeds in all ways. I just dislike what I've seen of the majority of the community there and how the mods let the elitists treat other paying customers of xF.

I find this really hard to swallow. I, myself, have xenForo and can personally say I have never had a problem with the community there. I find it much easier to speak directly to the add-on developers, one on one than I have with vB. I have had many questions, none have went unanswered. I have had issues with my site, and have had the staff their log into my site to help, so they could see what was the issue, what was going on, etc. I realize you can base this off a few posts by some members, calling them "elitest jerks", and there might be a couple that fit that profile. That in no way represents xenForo as a whole, and it's unfortunate that you felt the need to blast the rest of the modders who do help, who do work, who answer every question, in with the bad apples. As fas as the marketing modding software on their site, from what I see on a daily basis, they are adding to their current software. I think the core product itself right now is just as important, if not more, than marketing the modding ability.

I'll just say, the community feel at the xenForo forums trumps any experience I have had asking for help elsewhere.
I do not disagree that they are working on the core software, etc. But without knowing what their plans are, in pretty much anything, you have to take everything on faith. While that might work for some, it doesn't work for me and that's why I made the statement about modding and whatnot from their site.

I'll say again, it's GOOD software and I really like it. I visit their forums on just about a daily basis, more lurking than anything. Of course, there are good people there, I'm NOT saying that they are all "elitist jerks". However, the "bad apples" as you put it, seem to be the majority of the posts (if not majority of the people) that I come across and the mods are usually perfectly ok with the way people are treated there. If that's how they want to run things, it's "their" site and they can do as they please, but that doesn't mean I have to like it. =)

I'm glad you've had a different experience, but unfortunately that in no way invalidates my own personal experiences and opinions of what I see there.
I have to agree with Trekkan.

Some of the main modders at Xenforo seem like they are ABOVE people. One of the TOP modders there, Jaxel, can be a real douche sometimes. I donated $200 to him for his lovely mods (just to take off the copyright) and I do not receive a Thank You. When I ask for support, he always gives a vague / smug response back to me. I love his mods, but his attitude sucks.
Agreed, basically with him, he wants to write his mods the way he wants them and only he wants them. Which is fine, but you can't expect to sell something that only has the features and functionality YOU personally are going to use. It's too bad too, because he does some pretty good work.
I have to agree with Trekkan.

Some of the main modders at Xenforo seem like they are ABOVE people. One of the TOP modders there, Jaxel, can be a real douche sometimes. I donated $200 to him for his lovely mods (just to take off the copyright) and I do not receive a Thank You. When I ask for support, he always gives a vague / smug response back to me. I love his mods, but his attitude sucks.
Thank you very much for that information, I absolutely love the calender, but I get real confused with them supporting an entire frame of the 8way in a single thread and I experienced the same feeling Glad to know that throwing money won't make a diff. I have a site ready for an Arcade or other games from db and I am seriously concidering converting my older forum because I really like the progress that xenforo is making.
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Yep, Xenforo has definitely improved and if only the DragonByte team starts making mods for the Xenforo platform, especially EARLY, they can get a lot of new customers.

It's good to see DragonByte releasing new mods... but I think there should be a bit more concentration on the Xenforo platform. I believe I'm a BIG customer of DBT, but unfortunately, I no longer use vBulletin so I am no longer stopping by here for anything. :(

Can't wait until the day the team starts making mods for Xenforo!
Like I posted to your other reply, if you know and good xf coders, shoot them this way.
Yep, Xenforo has definitely improved and if only the DragonByte team starts making mods for the Xenforo platform, especially EARLY, they can get a lot of new customers.

It's good to see DragonByte releasing new mods... but I think there should be a bit more concentration on the Xenforo platform. I believe I'm a BIG customer of DBT, but unfortunately, I no longer use vBulletin so I am no longer stopping by here for anything. :(

Can't wait until the day the team starts making mods for Xenforo!

It's something we want to do, but the difficulty is in finding the coders to do it. Otherwise we would have to take a coder (probably Fillip H.) and set him to learning XF which would take him out of action for potentially several months - that would be difficult to justify to the majority of our customers who bought our products for vBulletin and still user vBulletin. In addition anything like that comes with an element of risk that it simply won't pan out - all in all it's something we'd need a dedicated XF coder to join on board to do soon.