Legacy Protect certain usergroups from the Dislike button and various customization options

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Since we are going to upgrade to vB 4.1.3 very soon, we chose your plugin for the Like/Dislike system. However, one of our users raised an interesting point: how do we protect certain usergroups, like Moderators or Administrators, from being disliked? :eek:

Yes, we know that there's an option so that certain usergroups can disable the buttons for new threads or replies, but this won't do anything for what's already posted (and editing them all manually when you have something like 4000 replies isn't really an option).

Moreover, even if we would use this integrated feature, users would have to click the "Disable dislike" button every time they would create a new thread or reply, which, again, is highly impractical, since there's no global setting for it.

Also, is it possible to remove the "Post Thanks / Like" block, the one showed below the actual reply with all the usernames who liked/disliked said reply?
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Neither of these things are currently possible, we'll take them into consideration for future versions, though :)
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