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I am running the latest Firefox and I do have Quicktime installed. When I am in dbShout I get a prompt that a plugin may be needed.

Which plugin? I have already installed the complete Quicktime package.

its just a sound file not really needed if you turn off the sound options in the plugin you wont get that prompt
admincp/DBTech - vBShout/Instance Management
click edit under Sound Settings set all to no
scroll down until you see under Options section
Enable Sounds = No
Alternatively, set the "Enable HTML 5 Audio Playback" setting to Yes in vBulletin Options - that should no longer prompt you for QuickTime downloads :)
oh okay I understand now.. Thanks,...

But what if I want the sounds to work, what do I tell my users they will need to get the sounds?
If you turn on the setting I mentioned in my previous post, you don't have to tell your users anything. As I said, it will work without a plugin installed.
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Legacy vBShout

vBulletin 3.8.x vBulletin 4.x.x
DragonByte Technologies
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5.00 star(s) 1 ratings