Bug Please repair the paging in the profile tab

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The paging in the profile tabs is broken.

We used the like system of vbseo for several years now and imported the data into the dragon byte thanks addon.

Our users still want to see all their given and received likes, so we had to set the days limit to some years and recalculated everything. But the system is broken. Now every older profile with a huge amount of likes shows mostly over a hundred empty pages in the Thanks/Likes profile tab.
Unfortunately, for performance reasons this cannot be resolved at this time. Please set the Recent Entries setting to a lower number, such as 30 or 60. Adjust it as needed until pagination is working correctly.
Sure. Just have a look at my likes tab:
Profil: ZAM - Die Hardware-Community für PC-Spieler - PC GAMES HARDWARE EXTREME
The "sorting" shows that the first and the latest likes are from 4th of december.

Also there is a also a bug if we activate the blog like feature. With that some profiles are running in the following issue:
						receiveduser.username AS receivedusername,
						receiveduser.usergroupid AS receivedusergroupid,
						receiveduser.membergroupids AS receivedmembergroupids,
						receiveduser.infractiongroupid AS receivedinfractiongroupid,
						receiveduser.displaygroupid AS receiveddisplaygroupid
					FROM (
			post.title AS posttitle,
			thread.title AS threadtitle,
			thread.title AS title,
		FROM dbtech_thanks_entry AS entry_post
		LEFT JOIN post AS post ON (post.postid = entry_post.contentid)
		LEFT JOIN thread AS thread ON (thread.threadid = post.threadid)
		WHERE entry_post.entryid IN(*********)
			AND post.visible = 1
			blog_text.blogtextid AS postid,
			blog_text.title AS posttitle,
			blog.title AS threadtitle,
			blog.title AS title,
			blog.firstblogtextid AS threadid,
			0 AS forumid,
		FROM dbtech_thanks_entry AS entry_blog
		LEFT JOIN blog_text AS blog_text ON (blog_text.blogtextid = entry_blog.contentid)
		LEFT JOIN blog AS blog ON (blog.blogid = blog_text.blogid)
		WHERE entry_blog.entryid IN(*********)
			AND blog_text.state = 'visible'
					) AS entry
					LEFT JOIN user AS user ON(user.userid = entry.userid)
					LEFT JOIN user AS receiveduser ON(receiveduser.userid = entry.receiveduserid)
					ORDER BY entryid DESC
					LIMIT 20;

MySQL-Fehler  : Illegal mix of collations for operation 'UNION'
Fehler-Nr.    : 1271
Fehler-Zeit   : Thursday, 04.12.2014 @ 15:24:20
Datum         : Thursday, 04.12.2014 @ 15:24:20
Skript        : http://extreme.pcgameshardware.de/member.php?u=***&tab=thanks
Referrer      : http://extreme.pcgameshardware.de/members/***?tab=thanks&pp=20&page=68
IP-Adresse    : *****
Benutzername  :  ****
Klassenname   : vB_Database_MySQLi
MySQL-Version : 5.5.******

It is this part:
			blog_text.blogtextid AS postid,
			blog_text.title AS posttitle,
			blog.title AS threadtitle,
			blog.title AS title,
			blog.firstblogtextid AS threadid,
			0 AS forumid,
		FROM dbtech_thanks_entry AS entry_blog
		LEFT JOIN blog_text AS blog_text ON (blog_text.blogtextid = entry_blog.contentid)
		LEFT JOIN blog AS blog ON (blog.blogid = blog_text.blogid)
		WHERE entry_blog.entryid IN(*********)
			AND blog_text.state = 'visible'

The board is installed with ISO settings and uses latin1 (latin1_german1_ci).
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That is not a bug in this product. You need to make sure all your database tables and columns are using the same character set, which does not appear to be the case here.
That was the first thing we did when the error appeared for the first time. But the error still appeared ... but i forgot one table. ^^ Thank you for your support. But there is still the sorting problem. ;)
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Me again ..

There is another problem with the profile likes tab. In some profiles the thanks tab is the default tab, because something in your code sets thanks as default tab parameter, because it overrides the argv[0], QUERY_STRING and REQUEST_URI parameters. Why? Where?
The only time APTL sets itself as the default tab is when the Notification is clicked. Under no other circumstances does this mod try to set itself as the default tab.
Not really. It also happens when you visit the profile start page, but not in every profile.

Profil: Axonia - Die Hardware-Community für PC-Spieler - PC GAMES HARDWARE EXTREME

Profil: ZAM - Die Hardware-Community für PC-Spieler - PC GAMES HARDWARE EXTREME

I analyzed the $_SERVER data. At this point and in the hook point "member_complete" the query string, request uri and argv parameters are already modified and the profile start page is not executing the notifications_list hook
That is not our doing. If you inspect the code, you'll find the only time we set the profile tab is in /dbtech/thanks/actions/profilenotif.php, which is only called when someone has clicked the APTL notification.
But it is not our doing as well and there is no other plugin or code which uses the keyword "thanks" as "tab" value. There is also no other code which "activates" the notifications_list hook while viewing a profile. So where is this request parameter overwrite with your thanks value coming from?
Please try disabling all other modifications, as well as any server-side caching, then try it again :)
This was the first thing we did. But today it is working. Thank you. :) But there is still the sorting and paging problem ;)
The paging problem cannot be worked around, for performance reasons. You should set the "Recent Entries" to a lower number in order to work around this issue.

The alternative is that the paging would be working, but it would crash your database :p
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