Once a Trophy is Held Does it Always How Next to Your Username?


New member
Here on dragon-byte-tech.com I once earned a trophy, I think for most thanks given? :D :D If one looks at my username in the postbit at the right side of all the posts and replies, the trophy is still there - though I lost the award to another user a long time ago. Does the system keep displaying trophies you've earned even after you have lost them?


No the trophies should dissappear if you no longer hold them. you may have gained it back, a way to check is to look at the Vbactivity leaderboards area and theres a tab for trophies that will show who has won/lost a trophy and when.
Username Mouseover Popup Shows Zero Trophies


I see why I asked this question. If I mouseover my Trophied, :D, username it shows:

Awards: 0
Trophies: 0



I see why I asked this question. If I mouseover my Trophied, :D, username it shows:

Awards: 0
Trophies: 0



Yeah, just noticed this myself. Same thing on the profile hover mod, says 0 Trophies even though I apparently have one.
I just spoke with Fillip H. about it and got the trophy count fixed on the profile hover. I'll release it shortly after I add a couple things.