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Currently the LiveWall shows the post content to usergroups who have View permission to a forum, even thought they don't have View permission to the thread within the forum.

I wouldn't mind seeing the thread title in the feed without the post content for forums with "Can view forum" and "Cannot view thread" permissions with a link to the thread. That's what Valter does with his Advanced Forum Stats mod.

Currently this user can see the post content in the live wall, despite not having permission to view the thread.


The only way to block it would be to do this.


But I would like that top one to be able to see the title in the feed, but no post content. Just a link to the thread so the non-subscribers know that there is something they are missing by not being a subscriber to that thread. They will just get the thread permissions error when they click.

More: [DBTech] Forum Live Feed & User Wall [AJAX] (vB4) - Page 13 - Forum

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By the way, I cannot use this mod, lite or pro, without this feature and I assume anyone with private forums would be in the same situation. I don't know if that helps with the prioritizing it but I plan to be a buyer of the pro version if/when this feature is in place.
As far as I can recall this is the first time we've had anyone with your kind of set-up (attempt to) use this mod :)
I'll be happy to be the guinea pig. :)

FYI, Valter's Advanced Forum Stats mod, the new VB Activity Stream, and DigitalPoint's Spy mod already incorporate this feature.
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