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When I import the product xml file on my test forum I get the following error (though the installation process continues)

Warning: file_put_contents([path]/.htaccess) [function.file-put-contents]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in [path]/dbtech/vbarcade/arcade_installer.php on line 49

Later, when testing the arcade, scores don't submit. (I'm pretty sure the permissions are set properly, admins have "score", important ticked and weight 1, and everywhere that should be chmod 0777 is set.)

Also, I can upload a game from "import games" but they don't always appear in "discovered games" after uploading. On "manage games" I can't "add new game" or edit the options of an existing one. I hope these problems are a result of the initial installation error.
Is your (forum)/.htaccess file chmod 777? There are important edits that need to be made for scoring to work, that the installer was unable to apply. After you change it, import the product again and if the error doesnt happen again, then scoring should work.
Partial success. :)

There wasn't a .htaccess file in the forum directory so I made a blank one and imported again, which went smoothly. Scores now submit properly. :)

However, the issue with not being able to edit games remains. If I click on a game title in "Manage Games" I think that's supposed to take me to the edit page but nothing happens.

Also, I have two games in the import folder but no obvious way to import them. (Originally I used the 'upload games' feature which worked for 6 out of 8 test games. I later added the two that failed to the import folder to see if that made any difference - it didn't.)
The game titles in the game manager should take you to edit the specific games. Those arent being rendered in a weird way, so not sure how those links arent working :D please confirm you are clicking the right thing.

As for the game import - the system will ignore anything that it is unable to read/matches an expected content format.
If you already imported the game, it will be available when you check the "Already Imported" checkbox, which will show you what is in the import folder that was already imported, for you to re-import.
To confirm I'm clicking the right thing, I'm on the "manage games" screen. Installed games are listed and each game's name is a link.

An example of a link address, to show it should lead to editing the game...

When I click that link, nothing happens except the "manage games" screen refreshes.

As for the games that won't install, they worked on my old arcade and seem to have the same files in the same format as games that have worked.
That looks perfectly normal. Can you PM me an admin login? Might end up needing ftp at some point too.

---------- Post added at 16:18 ---------- Previous post was at 00:00 ----------

Thanks, turns out i accidentally snipped out an important line in the titles which accidentally locked out the manage games links :D

in (forum)/(admincp)/arcade_admin.php find

        $_REQUEST['do'] = 'games';
        $title = 'dbtech_vbarcade_manage_games';

add above

    case 'delete_game': case 'save_game': case 'edit_game': case 'update_games':
        $title = 'dbtech_vbarcade_manage_games'; break;

ive already applied that for you, and manage games works again :D

as for your import games - when you just submit the import form (without selecting a file) it reads the two un-imported games and displays them. if you check the "already imported" checkbox in the top, it shows you the 6 games you already imported. So thats the 8 you were talking about. Did you have trouble trying to import those?
Thanks very much, the level of support given here is amazing :)

I'm really glad it wasn't something I'd done wrong!

As for the import games issue, I did have trouble before but I followed the steps in your reply and both have imported properly.

Thanks again, I'll be back to buy the full version when our site is up and running.
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