
I know there are no current plans to make a new 3.8 version, however I, and I'm sure several other big board owners that simply can't move to 4.0 yet, would be willing to pay for vbOptimize pro for 3.8. Many of us, as you know, constantly struggle with page load time and server performance. The page caching feature really got my attention.

Please let me know if there are any changed plans for making a version for 3.8 in the near future.
Hi Tavenger,

There were no initial plans because the biggest improvement Pro offered (prior to v2.0) was vB Cache Overloading - a feature which can only be done on vB 4.0. However new features have been introduced in Pro that can placed back towards 3.8 (notice caching, full guest caching, etc..). With this in mind I am planning to re-launch both the Lite and Pro version for the 3.8 series, but there will be small differences between them.

My time schedule has changed so while this release would have been next week, it'll probably be the week after due to a little vacation I'm taking :)

Hope that answers your question!
I decided to speed up the process, 2 weeks turned into tonight. 3.8 version is out for both lite/pro :)
I just bought two (lifetime) licenses for vB Optimise Pro and installed both of them to my forums. One is new and not opened yet (vB4.0.3), the other one is awaiting the big jump and still at vB3.7.2 (I know). However, I can confirm vB Optimise Pro 2.01 seems to work pretty good on 3.7.2 and already saved me 1500+ queries in the 15 minutes I installed this :D
There is one BUT: If I enable 'vB Optimise: Cache Dismissed Notices' I'm immediately confronted with the white page of death. This is only for 3.7.2, as enabling the option for vB4 doesn't seem to cause any troubles (although I don't have any notices set up on that forum).

PS Reason why I'm still holding out on upgrading to vB4 is Deceptor's excellent - but deserted :( - mod '[AJAX] vB Post Templates'. I would gladly pay for seeing that mod ported to vB4.

The white-screen is probably a PHP error, if you could find that out it would be great. As described this hasn't been tested on 3.7, only 3.8 :)

As for vB Post Templates, that's being updated to vB4 within the next month hopefully :)
The white-screen is probably a PHP error, if you could find that out it would be great.
[Sat Apr 24 04:53:09 2010] [error] [client XX.XX.XX.XX] PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function fetch_dismissed_notices() in /var/www/vhosts/example.com/httpdocs/forum/vboptimise/cachers/cacher_notices.php on line 27, referer: http://example.com/forum/admincp/index.php?do=head
As described this hasn't been tested on 3.7, only 3.8 :)
I know, that's why I wanted to report my own findings for others still on the vB 3.7 branch (which is a *BAD* thing :p )
As for vB Post Templates, that's being updated to vB4 within the next month hopefully :)
Most excellent news! My mods will kill me if I upgrade now and their post templates ain't working :)
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Ah, looks like the function doesn't exist in vB 3.7 (come to think of it, does 3.7 have Notices?). Guess you can keep that disabled for now, I'll see what I can do to get a 3.7 install going to reproduce the error :)
Added after brainwave: vB 3.7 does have notices, but the option to let users dismiss them was added in vB3.8! I use a plugin for this functionality, called SK-Dismiss Notices. So your vB Optimise option would never work on 3.7. Saves you from installing 3.7 ;)
I think that's pretty safe to say. Only weird thing is the function is named exactly the same in the 3.7 plugin I linked in my previous post, so I don't understand why it's throwing the error 'Call to undefined function'. Maybe it's not in the global scope? (and maybe vB used this exact product for 3.8)
function fetch_dismissed_notices()
	global $vbulletin;
	$dismissed_notices = array();
	if( $vbulletin->userinfo['dismissed_p_notices'] )
		$notices_result = $vbulletin->db->query_read(
			"SELECT noticeid
			 FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "notice
			 WHERE noticeid IN(" . $vbulletin->userinfo['dismissed_p_notices'] . ")
			 ORDER BY displayorder, title");
		while( $notice = $vbulletin->db->fetch_array($notices_result) )
			$dismissed_notices[] = $notice['noticeid'];
	return $dismissed_notices;
Yeah it's probably not included when my hook runs thus the error. Even if it was the functionality might not work as expected, since I update cache when a call is sent to ajax.php to dismissnotices, so unless the modifications runs -exactly- like vB it may not work.