Bug The other source of images are not show

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The have been uploaded my images to public_html/uploads such as /uploads/pictures/software/24-08-2555%2021-48-52.gif,

there are not show all images from this folder.

25-09-2555 18-44-31.png
Sorry, been busy the last couple nights trying to get my wife's car back on the road. I will take a look at it tonight when I get home from work.

Brad via Tapatalk
I will try to replicate the issue on my dev site and see if I can figure out why it isn't getting the files properly. Ideally, I will see if I can check if the image is already on your site, and not duplicate it, as it is currently trying to do.

EDIT: Actually, I just noticed that it works for some and not for others, which is weird. I'll still look at making it not save the image if it already is on your site, but in the mean time, can you delete all of the files in the /dbtech/vbslider/images/externalimages folder and see if that changes anything?
Last edited:
Please try uploading the attached file to /dbtech/vbslider/actions/widget.php and overwrite the existing. This should fix the problem.


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