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I have the thanks mod installed, and I have the "cloud" set to show up below the signature.

The problem I am encountering is that this setup is creating way too much space between the signature and the post thanks cloud bar.

Below is a screen capture of what I am talking about:


What do I need to do to correct this?
Hey @derbtek

Try this... :)
Styles & Templates --> Search Templates --> additional.css -->

.postbitlegacy .postrow.has_after_content {
    padding-bottom: 0em;

Place the code in your additional.css of the style.
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Yeah.. I tried that and it just made it worse.

If you look close, you'll notice that the actual SIGNATURE line is up right under the post content, and is positioned perfectly.

When I deactivate the "thanks" plugin, the posts look perfect. But when I activate the plugin, that's when I get all of that extra space right above the thanks cloud bar.

So, this must be something in the plugin itself causing this.

Any other recommendations?
Oh, I see now... the bottom of the signature space... ;)

Perhaps try this in your additional.css

.signature {border-top:0;}
You might want to contact your theme developer, this is not an issue that appears on the default skin (or indeed our custom skins here at DBTech).
You were correct, Fillip H... it was not in the "thanks" product, but in the other coding. I fixed it so it's acceptable now.

One other thing.. I've noticed that in THIS forum you have the "thanks" product in its OWN bar, and you have the "blog this post", "Reply", etc., on another bar that stretches across the entire bottom. How did you do that?

I would really like to set my forum up the same way with the "thanks" and "like" things on it's own bar, and the "Reply" bar on the bottom on its own.

Is there somewhere in here that shows how to do that?
If you turn off the "Integrate Action Buttons" setting, that should make the display identical to ours :)
Hello, again! I am installing this in a different vbulletin theme, and it seems that it is using a background color for the "thanks" buttons that is not looking good at all.

Check it out:


As you can see from the picture above, the thanks button is blocked by the dark blue color.

How can I change the button color to white or simply REMOVE the color of the button altogether?
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This is most commonly the result of CSS settings, namely the background attribute of the .postbitlegacy .postfoot .textcontrols a, .postbit .postfoot .textcontrols a, .eventbit .eventfoot .eventcontrols a { CSS class, in postbit.css.
To fix it, please try the following steps:

Step 1) Remove all the contents of the postbit_control_background StyleVar.
Step 2) If that didn't fix it, please enter the postbit.css file and find the .postbitlegacy .postfoot .textcontrols a, .postbit .postfoot .textcontrols a, .eventbit .eventfoot .eventcontrols a { CSS class, and remove the background: definition.

Hope that helps :)
Thanks, Fillip H.!

That worked like a charm. But instead of deleting everything, I just went to the postbit_control_background in the Style Variable Editor and chose "transparent", and it shows up great now.

You are the best!
Actually there IS an issue here and the issue is when the user has no signature defined. Ordinarily vBulletin will not display the signature area nor the signature delimiters if the user who made the post has no signature, the same is true if you choose to turn off viewing signatures in your settings.

With this mod installed and configured to display the cloud either above or below the signature then the mod forces the signature area and delimiters to be displayed even if the user posting has no signature or if the viewer has chosen to disable viewing signatures. For example see derbtek's post above notice the 2 delimiter lines and an empty signature. If a signature is empty or if the user chooses not to view signatures in their settings then this Mod should do as the unmodified vBulletin does and not display the signature area nor the delimiters ..

I would like to suggest that at the very least an option of bottom of the post is added for "Cloud Location" and then use the hook postbit_end rather than inserting the cloud into the signaturecontainer div. Otherwise if the cloud is inserted into the signaturecontainer div (above or below makes no difference) then logic needs to be added to check if a signature for the posting user does not exists or if the users settings are set to not display signatures then the extra delimiter and space should be omitted from the output.
I would like to suggest that at the very least an option of bottom of the post is added for "Cloud Location" and then use the hook postbit_end rather than inserting the cloud into the signaturecontainer div.
This is the default display, in the Lite version as well as the default option for the Pro version where admins can change cloud location.

I'm not sure what exactly you're suggesting to be changed, could you clarify please?
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