
I am sorry, but honestly, some of your products just does not work on busy forums. I don't know why....maybe you cannot test it on busy forums, or it is based on working on your site here...

But really...I have bought almost all of your products, yet on most of them, it will just crash my forum.

vbslider....no go

vbshop....no go

vbactivity....no go

vboptimise...no go

ajax threads...no go

Yes....you have many answers...about cutting this down and that down....but still, it just will not work.

I am really not happy, and it probably does not matter, and that is fine, but really! Well....just ban me...
why..im not getting in arguing match with you.im just saying they do work ..if they dont for you..well i dont no what to tell ya.
why..im not getting in arguing match with you.im just saying they do work ..if they dont for you..well i dont no what to tell ya.

They might work for you, like they probably work for most small forums, and that is great. But do not judge me by disliking my post if you don't have all the facts! I own a forum with more than 100 000 members, with more than 30 0000 page views a day, and average of about 150 new members a day. If you are on par with that, and all the mods from DBT works for you, then...and only then you have the right to comment here. Otherwise....thank you....but stay away!
I am sorry, but honestly, some of your products just does not work on busy forums. I don't know why....maybe you cannot test it on busy forums, or it is based on working on your site here...

But really...I have bought almost all of your products, yet on most of them, it will just crash my forum.

vbslider....no go

vbshop....no go

vbactivity....no go

vboptimise...no go

ajax threads...no go

Yes....you have many answers...about cutting this down and that down....but still, it just will not work.

I am really not happy, and it probably does not matter, and that is fine, but really! Well....just ban me...

vBOptimise runs on sites several times larger than yours and improve their performance: vB Optimise - Resource Statistics

Ajax Threads works fine as long as it is configured correctly and not simply applied to every single thread.

There have been no reports of vBSlider, vBShop or vBActivity having issues on large sites either. We run the majority of our products on a forum with around twice as many members as yours (though less concurrent visitors, assuming your stats are at the default 15 minutes timeout) Final Fantasy Forums which helps to give us an idea of performance on larger boards.

I'm really not sure what more you want us to do - there is plenty of evidence from our many customers that the products function just fine on larger boards (again with the exception of AJAX Threads being made available on ALL threads, which we specifically advise against). You seem to be having issues with configuring the products to work with your server and are blaming us for this though?

Just putting information here for the benefit of readers:

You wanted to load 105 images into the slider, all 300+kb each, on your homepage - now you seem to be suggesting that vBSlider doesn't work because loading that many images to your homepage will seriously slow it down?

Regarding vBOptimise - we pointed out your xcache appeared to be having issues and storing some things it shouldn't be, perhaps indicating it was not functioning correctly. You blamed vBOptimise for this and claimed we should tell customers it doesn't work with xcache - even though for customers who can get xcache itself functioning correctly, it does.

With AJAX Threads - you were advised that enabling a short auto refresh on all threads would increase load, again you seem to interpret that as the product not working.

I'm not entirely sure what your issues with vBAA and vBShop are off of the top of my head so I can't comment on those sadly.

In all cases you are blaming the size of your site for your issues, when the issue is you want to do unreasonable things with the products - things your server is unable to handle. I don't feel the post is fair or justified, however you are of course entitled to your opinion.

I think you claiming your site is "too big" for vboptimise to work properly, when it runs and helps sites like mmo-champion.com which is several times larger than your site shows that you are very much mistaken in your claims. Just to reiterate - the issue is that you are attempting to do things your server cannot handle, not that our products are somehow unable to run on large sites.
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Every link I have gone to you thus far you have linked to has meant nothing....I have to go to bed now, but I will take screenshots of all those forums, and even register on them if need be.

I am telling you now...you are going to loose this argument Cosmic. And I know what this is about.....
I'm kinda confused about what you mean by "has meant nothing". I linked you to sites a similar size than yours or bigger running our products (that you claim don't work) and even to a place where you could see a number of sites similar to your size or larger benefiting hugely from a product you claim doesn't work for big sites (vBOptimise). I'm unsure what other kind of links I could give you?

Please be careful, because making false claims about our products is potentially damaging to our reputation - claiming you can't get the products to do what you want on your particular site is one thing, claiming they don't work on ANY large sites when you were just shown evidence to the contrary, and when you don't have any evidence beyond your OWN site, it potentially libellous.

False claims in your eyes yes. I will give you proof of the pudding tomorrow. And please do not put words in my mouth. I never said that your products don't work on other sites. On the contrary...
False claims in your eyes yes. I will give you proof of the pudding tomorrow. And please do not put words in my mouth. I never said that your products don't work on other sites. On the contrary...

You won't mind if i change the title to be less misleading then? Perhaps to "Some of your products just don't work on my forum"? By saying "big forums" (plural) you are claiming it happens on multiple or all forums.

It might also be useful for you to post your server specifications and hosting plan details as well as your site size & statistics.

I thought you were the sales guru? Well, after years, and countless dollars towards your products, I have to say, your other partner, and staff, has 100% more tact, respect and decency than you Cosmic. Thank you.
I thought you were the sales guru? Well, after years, and countless dollars towards your products, I have to say, your other partner, and staff, has 100% more tact, respect and decency than you Cosmic. Thank you.

Thanks, I feel all of the staff here display tact, respect and decency. It pleases me to hear that even a customer having issues feels the same :)

As far as myself goes, I don't feel i've insulted you or been rude to you, simply defended the company from attack. If you feel I have somehow personally offended you please accept my apologies.
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Update: Changed the title from "some of your products just don't work on big forums" to "Some of your products just don't work on my big forum" in order to maintain the message as closely as possible, since you didn't object to a title change for the sake of accuracy.

Let me know if you have any issues with the new title.

Taurus do you test products before adding them to a live board? I have a problem with the thanks mod but it works fine on my test board.So I know the problem dosen't exist with the mod, it obviously clashes with something on my live board.

Not sounding disrespectful but your site just has way too much stuff loading.Your server resources must be massive and being put to the test.

You need to trim down on alot of things.For me your demanding and not asking..I hope you speak better to your members than you do to staff here,or your 100k members will soon dissolve..
I'm a member on Finalfantasyforums.com and have been for some years and i know that they have had very little (if any) issues with DBT products, i know at one stage they had difficulty with probably one of the mods (can't remember which one) but that was down to them mis-configuring it. All i can say to you is give Cosmic a chance to help you correct the issues your having, after all saying that his stuff just "doesn't work" maybe true in your case, but you haven't really given Cosmic any help to help him help you solve your issues, to me from an outside party you come across very angry and upset with Cosmic as a person rather than the products themselves, while i won't put words in your mouth, thats just how i feel its coming across and no dis-respect to you but i think you should perhaps maybe try calming down and talking to Cosmic via PM if you haven't already done so and maybe try resolving the problems your having with DB-Tech products in a civilised way rather than going in gunz-blazin saying they don't work when Cosmic has provided proof that they do on similar scale and bigger forums than your own. I wouldn't personally trust any other mod/company other than DB-Tech because i know what a great team they are and how hard they work (When i used to work with/for them Cosmic and Fillip would be running on a few hours sleep most days and STILL have more energy than i did, they put a hell of a lot of effort into what they do, and thats why they are a sucessful company now).

Sure i used to work with Cosmic and Fillip a while back and i used to be a member of the team but i have no obligation to defend Cosmic or the DB-Tech company because i'm ex-staff, so please don't think that i'm doing so when reading this post, I too am now just a customer and i can happily say that Cosmic and his team offer un-rivaled support when it comes to Mods and they actually know what they are talking about, Cosmic has been doing this for a long time and he's read-up on a lot of things i'd never even heard of before.

Cosmic and the team will not bite your hand off if you ask for help, its what they do, its what they get paid to do and its what they enjoy doing. Cosmics a very reasonable and respectable guy and i know for sure that if you let him, he will give you advice and help.

Just a tip from me, i find the mod your using for the catagory icons is far better looking and less server intensive if you use the custom icons instead of the deafult icons rather than using both. Just my two cents.
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I will say I have had issues with DBT modifications on my site. What I found is that reporting them is the best option and they will do their best to help you, its not rocketscience and if Im completely honest I find it very supprising that someone with a social website of your size reacts in this manor.

I do not claim to be the as big a site as yourself, however as a suggestion it may be an idea to install one modification at a time and get it working. Thats not a dig, it's a serious suggestion. Otherwise you are going to get to the point one day where something brings it down and you will not know what has caused it. If one modification from here did not work, you should have tackled that issue first.
Taurus, sounds like you have a non-optimised server/site setup as you have way too much stuff loading or going on in your forums, just running your forumhome through webpagetest.org reveals alot WebPagetest Test Result - Dulles : creativx.net/forums/ - 05/23/12 03:41:31

1st page load = nearly 10MB yes megabytes worth of data and 300 requests per page load ! :eek:
2nd page load = nearly 3MB of data

just optimising images and serving properly non-scaled images will shave 5.3+ MB off that page size, and still 4+ MB is too large!

i normally recommend folks stick with page sizes <250-450KB !

I can't comment on other plugins, but at least vB optimise pro works on large vB forums I have consulted for in the 600,000 to 1,000,000 members, 10-30m posts, 200,000 to 300,000 unique ip visitors per day range (not pageviews, but unique single ip visitors per 24hrs) i.e. http://www.dragonbyte-tech.com/blog...some-reduction-mysql-reloaded-query-load-247/
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I have big forum.. about 10,000-ish at global alexa. Lot of pageviews. And vboptimise pro works perfectly on my forum :)
Another tip i found is that using the correct format of image reduces load times considerably, i recomend using PNG files for your site as JPG files are way too big, you may already know this but one of my friends who runs our site with me wrote a guide to finding out which images work best for the site you may have found here: Optimzing your Images I hope this might help you lessen the load a little.