
New member
Would be great as a small product to have icons and input boxes in someones settings for their profile for some of the most popular social networks. Facebook, Vimeo, Youtube, Twitter, etc. Small icons would included their postbit. Perhaps even give the user a drop down box to select new social to add to their account and that way they can add multiple Twitter accounts. Maybe even blogs.

I have it setup for my users if they insert their RSS feed URL of their blog, it will show a recent blog post in their postbit.

Just a suggestion :)
=) I like the idea. I think this sort of thing is already available over on though, and is likely something that will take more time than it would seem.

I'll add it to the list of mods to be considered during the next project assignments though =)

If you could recommend one, that'd be great. I haven't seen any that didn't require template edits.