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New member
"Recalculate transactions" it says in the description that we can do this..
But ehrm.. Hooooooow?

And it means that if I set every members credits to 0 and recalculate then it goes through all their posts and so on calculating the amount of points they should earn, right?
After you have set up the events that you want, go to vbcredits' user manager. Target the users you want (or everyone) and choose a per-page that is a good balance between the number of overall users and what your browser can handle. on the results page, open the advanced options, and there you can choose the actions you want to process and a date range to process (default is the entirety of your forum). Then select to recalculate and optionally prune/reverse existing transactions for those actions in that timespan.

After you run it, it will process all of the users on that page; move to the next page and process that again (the recalculation settings at the top will be remembered between pages, so just submit it again). This was built to allow you to pause the server-intensive process, however I am going to put in an option to process all users regardless of pages. When you have processed all of the desired users, you are presented with a link at the top to process all pending transactions, which you should do now (unless you had enabled immediate transactions :))

Let me know if you have any questions! It shouldnt be so bad once you are actually trying it out.
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