I am looking to buy the pro version.
Now I currently run a VPS server managed by wiredtree.

I will need these extensions to make it work first correct?


I run litespeed on my server, any suggestions you guys have on which one I should go with?
Only one of them, or you can use Filecache which is basically just using the file system (and doesn't require any of the above).

Can't say I'm familiar with Litespeed, you could try Googling something like "best opcode cacher with litespeed" :)
Filecache does not need installing, simply follow the instructions on the setting description where you choose your cache type :)
I currently run a Litespeed VPS on WiredTree, as well. When I decided to go with Memcache, all I did was submit a support ticket and then set it all up for me. Nice and simple. :)

Brad via Tapatalk
I just moved away from WiredTree to Unixy who uses the cPanel Varnish Plugin. It's very fast and very stable.
I lost litespeed :( but gained cPanel Varnish Plugin which I hear great stuff from WHT.

I am also planning to run Xcache and see how things work out.
Fillip H. is there a new version of vB Optimise in the works? Just wondering since the current version was released in 6th May 2010.
I am asking because I am still deciding the 3 months version vs the 1 year version (updates)
It's not in the immediate schedule, we don't really make long-term plans when it comes to updates :)