Probably missing the button somewhere, can you more the TopX down?

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I don't want it under the welcome section like it currently seems to be. I would prefer it being all the way at the bottom of the site by the What's Going On info instead.

Am I just blind and missing the button in my old age? Pro version? I just want to make sure I can set everything up how I want for my forums before diving in head first and dropping the $$ on everything.

That's currently not an option, however in the Pro version you have complete control over the position similar to what you have in vBShout Lite :)
That's currently not an option, however in the Pro version you have complete control over the position similar to what you have in vBShout Lite :)

ok i just installed shout to find out.. so above footer. that's fine. just didn't want the clutter top of page on such a new site :) need my little monkeys to see those forums!
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