Legacy Moving "Image title" to a better location

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6-2-2012 4-13-40 PM.png

Currently the image title ("Arthur the magic penguin" in the image example) after viewing an uploaded picture is in what I think to be a strange location. Since this seems to be the only way I can see to edit your images details, I think this should be located above the image either between the arrows (to filter through images) or above the image located on the left side.

As I stated, this to me seems just to be a weird spot. Not entirely sure if others feel the same...

Any thoughts?
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If you have a big description and some comments it might make more sense how I have it placed maybe? I have the image info all together down there, would seem weird to me to have the title off somewhere else with the rest of the info down below. But that's just me lol. If everyone thinks it's off how I have it we can move it.
Your reasoning makes just as much sense as mine. I did not think of the out come if a longer name is utilized.

Now how long of a name do you think many would have? Are you against maybe putting a limit on the amount of characters for a name?

I think my request is 100% cosmetic & not necessary at all. If no one else weighs in, I would have no major issue if it's remains as is =)
I'm okay with dealing with cosmetic issues here as well as bugs :)
No sense releasing something that looks off to everyone but me lol. But yeah, if I did move it up top I would have to limit the length of the name as it would push the buttons into weird positions and could make the page have a horizontal scrollbar.
We'll see how everyone else weighs in on it and go from there :)
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