Question Moved to a new server updated DragonByte Mail now a Guzzle error

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Hi, I wonder if someone can help. I'm running PHP 8.3.4 (Tried 8.1 ansd 8.2 also)

If I turn on Dragon byte mail and do a refresh, I get. "GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Uri::getScheme() must be compatible with Psr\Http\Message\UriInterface::getScheme()"


I cant find any record of Guzzle on the old server, so not sure why its showing as an error on the new server. A search on Guzzle is a trip down a rabit hole about out dated cURL.

I'm disabled Dragonbyte Mail for now, does something need to be installed to clear the error?
Hi Fillip, thanks for the fast reply.

I think you could be on to something there. Disabling all XF2 Addons also makes the issue dissapear.

I'll do more digging into this to find which one triggers the issue.

Re-enabling the add ons I dont see the Guzzle issue anymore.

If I reply to a forum post I get a pop up message. Could be one of the other add-on causing this which combined with DragonByte Mail. If I disable DragonByte Mail, or all the other XF2 addons then this message dosn't appear.
Okay I'm getting somewhere although not the original problem. But with all Add-ons turned off.


The I reply to a post I get this error.

I then turn off DragoneByte Mail, I can then post fine.

During the time DragonByte was on, some logs were recorded.


So it seems DragonByte Mail dosn't like something on the server, perhaps something needs updating. It is a new server, and I do have SSH access to install/update things. At present I'm dont know what might need updating.
Thanks. I'll keep searching. If I find a solution I'll post it.

I have tried all of these PHP versions, they all do the same error.
I don't believe it's related to PHP version. Are you running the latest version of XF 2.2?
Still not got to the bottom of it.
If the plugin is enabled, and someone replies to a post and error pops up. The post goes go though.
Then check the error log, its the Guzzle error.

If I disable DragonByteMail then this never happens. Very odd.
I am having the same problem 😢

i upgraded from 4.6.0 to 4.7.0 and this happened

4.6.0 was working fine for me.

This addon is incompatible with guzzlehttp/psr7 privided by xenforo

FastCGI sent in stderr: "PHP message: PHP Fatal error: Declaration of GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Uri::getScheme() must be compatible with Psr\Http\Message\UriInterface::getScheme(): string
Can you please provide the step-by-step instructions for how to replicate the error? I have not been able to replicate it using any of the info listed here.

Replication is important because otherwise I cannot test any fixes I apply.
Can you please provide the step-by-step instructions for how to replicate the error? I have not been able to replicate it using any of the info listed here.

Replication is important because otherwise I cannot test any fixes I apply.
all i did was upgrade from 4.6.0 to 4.7.0 nothing else has changed on my site
all i did was upgrade from 4.6.0 to 4.7.0 nothing else has changed on my site
That doesn’t change the fact that I need to know what actions were taken to generate the error. I’m aware you upgraded to 4.7. I need to know what action can be taken that triggers the error.

For example; if the error happens when you send a new mail from your mailing list, that is information I need.
That doesn’t change the fact that I need to know what actions were taken to generate the error. I’m aware you upgraded to 4.7. I need to know what action can be taken that triggers the error.

For example; if the error happens when you send a new mail from your mailing list, that is information I need.
The errors just started after the upgrade, so i guess its when it tries to send a mail

Also when i click a digest log i get this error (did not happen with 4.6.0 also)

My developer wanted to share this with you

"I just commented here src/addons/DBTech/Mail/vendor/composer/autoload_classmap.php"

#    'Psr\\Http\\Message\\RequestInterface' => $vendorDir . '/psr/http-message/src/RequestInterface.php',
#    'Psr\\Http\\Message\\ResponseInterface' => $vendorDir . '/psr/http-message/src/ResponseInterface.php',
#    'Psr\\Http\\Message\\ServerRequestInterface' => $vendorDir . '/psr/http-message/src/ServerRequestInterface.php',
#    'Psr\\Http\\Message\\StreamInterface' => $vendorDir . '/psr/http-message/src/StreamInterface.php',
#    'Psr\\Http\\Message\\UploadedFileInterface' => $vendorDir . '/psr/http-message/src/UploadedFileInterface.php',
#    'Psr\\Http\\Message\\UriInterface' => $vendorDir . '/psr/http-message/src/UriInterface.php',

because these interfaces already exists in other addons
Just so you know, I never found a fix, apart from disabling DragonbyteMail.

Re-enabling it today, to gather info for how the error happens.

To create the error
With DragonbyteMall add on enabled, and I go to post a forum post. Any thread, just replying. I get the following.

This is logged in the Server Error log.


Perhaps this is happening for delicatebobster too?

Also it appears to create an error in the Cron job. (server reports cron job errors by email)

Hope this info helps in tracking down the issue. Let me know if you want me to run any tests. It is a live site and I have disabled the add-on for now.
Just so you know, I never found a fix, apart from disabling DragonbyteMail.

Re-enabling it today, to gather info for how the error happens.

To create the error
With DragonbyteMall add on enabled, and I go to post a forum post. Any thread, just replying. I get the following.
View attachment 10522

This is logged in the Server Error log.
View attachment 10523

View attachment 10524

Perhaps this is happening for delicatebobster too?

Also it appears to create an error in the Cron job. (server reports cron job errors by email)
View attachment 10525

Hope this info helps in tracking down the issue. Let me know if you want me to run any tests. It is a live site and I have disabled the add-on for now.
I am not having any issues with posting.

Just sending mails.
I've applied a hotfix to v4.7.0 that should resolve this error. This is untested as I still can't replicate it, so please let me know if it works for you.
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DragonByte Mail

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